Marriage Story

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June 27th; 2026
Taylor Swift's Point of View
Little Miss Perfect. I spent months despising a woman who had done nothing wrong. All she wanted was my approval and I gave her nothing. Grace fucking Dearheart. Frustration surged within me, clenching my fists to suppress the anger creeping up on me. Questions loomed - why did she return, disrupting the life Travis and I had painstakingly perfected? What compelling reason led her to uproot everything to move to the middle of nowhere, Pennsylvania? Anxiously, I bit my lip, awaiting Travis to provide an explanation; after all, one's ex doesn't relocate across the country without a purpose.

Travis sighs as the anxiety of speaking to me overwhelms him. "Taylor, I love you so much. Please know that. This doesn't change that."

"Okay, you're starting to scare me." My leg does the inevitable as it bounces up and down out of anxiety. I'm becoming a nervous wreck and it's manifesting itself physically.

"Grace has a son. He'll be two in October."  Travis's body language has always been remarkably transparent. You can always tell how he's feeling and the fear that surrounded him when he told me that conveyed a profound message.

"No." I'm quick to connect it. Travis is the father to this child and it's the reason he's been absent the last week. My first instinct is to deny it and pray that I'm wrong.

"His name is Cameron." He tells me.

"No. Okay?" We already have our perfect little family and we don't need to change it. Viola and Ducky are his children and no one else.

"He's amazing. You'd love him." Despite his earnest attempts to improve the situation, it remains clear that no amount of effort will make this okay.

"You met him?" I ask as I watch my entire world fall apart. The walls are crumbling to the ground and a whirlwind of emotions cloud me.

"I went to lunch with Grace then spent a couple hours with him. He's really sweet." Travis wears a heartfelt smile speaking of the boy. He loves him and it's breaking me.

I fell silent after that. Abruptly, I found myself in uncharted territory, realizing that I had become the Grace Dearheart from all those years ago. I, with a seemingly perfect life and everything I desired while another woman quietly stood in my shadow.

"Talk to me. How do you feel about all this?" The question feels redundant. Does he think I'm fine and I'll accept this?

"When did Grace first reach out?" I immediately question. Travis's evident awareness of the situation suggests that he has been privy to it for an extended period, perhaps even stretching back significantly.

"June 21st." He answers.

"You've been keeping this from me for almost a week?" As Travis delves deeper into his explanations, I can sense the beginning of a tongue-lashing building within me.

"I wanted to sort everything out before I told you." He defends.

"I'm your fiancée! We're getting married! You should have told me the second that skank contacted you!" I finally lost it and slammed my hands on the table.

"It was more complicated than that okay." Travis's persistent attempts to justify his actions only serve to fuel my frustration further. Instead of excuses, what I truly want from him is a sincere apology.

"There's nothing complicated about keeping something from me! What does she want? Money?" Unfortunately, Grace Dearheart is too humble of a woman and wouldn't go that low. She needs something from Travis.

"She dying! She has brain cancer and it's killing her. It's the only reason she returned. She's dying in a few months and Cameron needs a home." Every word that escapes Travis's lips feels like another blow, shattering me piece by piece.

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