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Two Weeks Later
June 1st; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
For the last four weeks Travis I've been taking Lamaze classes with Travis and today is the last one. We hired a private instructor to come to our house for individual sessions. Most celebrities hire people to come to their house rather than go somewhere public for privacy reasons. They don't want to be studied like an experiment. For example, I have a doctor who comes to my house if I feel sick but if it's a medical emergency I go to a hospital. The Lamaze classes have been helpful but stressful at the same time. They remind me I'm going into labor soon and how painful and shitty it's going to be. There's about a 25% chance I go into labor any minute now. Every day the odds increase and in just two weeks is the due date. I'm in the homestretch but it doesn't make me feel any less miserable.
I did just watch a video of a woman giving birth in Lamaze class though and my first thought was maybe I don't want to give birth. The baby will just have to stay in there. I learned I'm 100% getting that epidural.

"And that concludes the course." The instructor says with a smile. I just sat there in shock that I'm going to need to deal with all this birthing stuff within the next couple of weeks. Travis stands up and helps me off the floor since we were practicing some sitting techniques. I instantly get tired of standing up but I put up with it.

"Thank you so much," Travis says to her before leading her to the door. I remain silent trying to comprehend everything. "Are you okay?" He asks once the instructor leaves.

"I'm going to be giving birth soon." I put my hands around my head but it's not clicking.

"I know."

"I mean, I always knew I had to do the labor and delivery thing but it never really occurred to me that I'd be giving birth which makes no sense. I didn't realize how soon it would be and I'm losing my mind a bit! Did you see that birthing video? It was torturing that poor woman!" I exclaim in shock.

"The it is a baby, Taylor."

"It's just that this entire pregnancy when I've been scared about having the baby I would tell myself it's not time yet because you haven't done this yet. I wasn't in my third trimester, it wasn't 2024, we didn't know the gender. If things like that hadn't happened yet then I knew I was safe but now I'm not safe anymore. I'm 38 weeks pregnant and the last safety net I was holding onto was we hadn't finished Lamaze classes. I couldn't give birth without finishing them. I finished them so I have nothing left. I have nothing to tell myself. The next thing is having the baby and I haven't ever let that actually set in." I fret, trying to not panic.

"Woah, woah, calm down."

"And I'm going to be a mother, like, a real one!" I feel my heart racing as a panic attack is building up. I put my hands over my chest as I hyperventilate.

"I need you to breathe for me so take a deep breath. What can I do for you?" Travis asks.

"Just talk to me. I need a distraction." I take a deep breath and hold it in before slowly exhaling.

"The labor and delivery will only be for a day or two. Then we have our whole lives to look forward to raising the baby. There's no need to worry about it. I'll be right there with you the whole time."

"You better be at the hospital otherwise I'm going to murder your ass."

Travis puts his hands on my shoulders and looks at me softly. "I bet you'll feel better too without the stress of your career as well."

"Wait, what?" I back away and shove his hands.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Are you expecting me to drop my career?" I ask dumbfounded.

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