If I Stay

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Two weeks Later
April 17; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
31 weeks pregnant is when we finally owned the house. The next day construction started. Now I'm 32 weeks pregnant and the baby will be here in less than two months. I've never been more uncomfortable in my entire life. I'm constantly exhausted but sleeping feels impossible. I pee every 20 minutes and the back pain is overwhelming. I've been feeling more pressure in my pelvis as my due date approaches and yet I'm supposed to continue my normal routine. I hate this.
Travis and I are in Kansas City now setting up the nursery for Little Peanut who isn't so little anymore. Travis is painting the walls a light pink while I sit back and watch. The baby is taking up so much room that I don't know how she's still growing. I've started to experience nesting as the books call it. I've been cleaning Travis's house and purging several items. Travis keeps telling me to chill out but I can't. I need to prepare the house for the baby which includes cleaning like a madman.

"Are you going to help?" Travis asks dipping the brush in the paint bucket.

"I am helping."

"And how are you doing that exactly?"

"I'm supervising," I explain as I continue to rock back and forth in the nursing chair.

"Pick up a brush, Swift." He tosses me a paintbrush and I scoff sarcastically.

"Fine. Help me up." I reach out my hand and Travis pulls me out of the chair and helps me stand upright.

"Do you want to listen to music? The baby is old enough to hear too. We can see what music she likes."

"Just go through every genre?"

"Why not? Maybe we'll find something she likes." I roll my eyes and take out my phone.

"Fine. We'll start with pop."

Let's fast forward to 300 takeout coffees later. I see your smile and your profile on unsuspecting waiters.

"You're playing your own music?"

"I want her to know my voice!" I say which makes Travis laugh.

We listened to music and painted for hours. More like we listened to music and I painted for 30 minutes before complaining and Travis told me to take a break. We've somehow made our way to classical and we're listening to Dvorak Piano Quintet No. 2. Whatever the hell that is.

"Done." Travis drops the paintbrush on a paper plate and looks at the walls.

"Don't you add two coats of paint bare minimum?"

Travis looks at the walls and groans loudly. "Fuck it. That's tomorrow's problem."

I begin to feel an alarming amount of kicks and they're much stronger than usual. "Jesus! Calm down in there!" I put my hands over the bump and chuckle. "I think we found her music choice."

"But this stuff is so boring!"

I take my phone and change it to country to see what happens. "She stopped. She likes boring ass classical." I laugh.


I change the music back to classical. "She's kicking again." It eventually shuffles to the next song called Shostakovich's Viola Sonata.

"What's this one?" He asks.

"Some viola piece. She loves it too."

"You're kidding."

"Our little girl is going to be a musical genius! She'll going to take right after me." I smirk and Travis rolls his eyes.

"Come here." He helps me out of the chair and we stand in the middle of the nursery. He puts two hands behind my waist and I instinctively wrap my arms around his neck. We start to slow dance in the nursery and I bury my head in his shoulder.

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