Yours, Mine, Ours

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Two Weeks Later
March 16th; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
It's the first day of my third trimester. When I was in my second trimester and I was terrified, I could at least tell myself you're not in your third trimester yet. I'm 13 weeks away from having this baby and I don't even know where I'll be living. My due date is in three months and I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I haven't even read parenting books or done any research on how to not kill my baby once she's born. I'm going to fail so badly at being a mother. I can barely take care of myself. How am I going to take care of a baby? The pregnancy is getting worse by the day as well. I don't have any new symptoms but my bump keeps growing and I can only stand for so long. My bump causes all types of ligament pain but it's killing my lower back. Travis tells me every day how amazing I am and that I'm doing a great job. He always reminds me that it's for The Peanut and it tends to make me feel better when I know there will be a reward at the end of this.

Travis and I are spending a few days in Philadelphia with Jason and Kylie. I love spending time here. It's such a pleasure and I get to spend time with kids. All three of his nieces love Travis and Wyatt and Elliotte were so excited when they heard he was coming. Wyatt saw me and Travis kissing, audibly gagged, then screamed "cooties!" She ran away from us and we couldn't help but laugh.

Right now I'm relaxing in their recliner on the verge of falling asleep. The only thing keeping me awake is feeling the baby kick. Growing an entire human is exhausting I must admit. Out of nowhere, I feel a gentle tap on my arm. I turn and see Elliotte with her thumb in her mouth.

"Hi Ellie," I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

"I want up." She puts her arms up and I pick her up, placing her next to me in the recliner. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her on the head. "Why are you fat?" She asks. I knew what she meant but it still hurt.

"You mean my tummy?" Elliotte is a toddler so I had to assume she was curious about the pregnancy.

"Yeah. Why your tummy big?"

"I'm pregnant. Do you know what that is?"

"No. Did you eat cookies?" She's so innocent and curious it makes me chuckle.

"No, no. It means I'm going to have a baby."


"Mommies grow babies in their tummies. It's why my tummy is so big."

"Woah." Elliotte takes her hand and puts it on my bump.

"Wanna know something cool?"


"The baby's dad is your Uncle Trav."

"Uncle Trav is going to be a daddy?!" She gasps.

"Mhm. We're having a girl. Do you want to feel her?"

"Yes!" She nods quickly. I take her hand and move it downwards.

"Do you feel that?"


"Cool, isn't it?"

"If Uncle Trav is Daddy and you're Mommy, are you my aunt?"

"If you want me to be."

"Auntie Tay." Ellie stirs and cuddles up next to me in my arms. I rub the back of her head for a minute as her eyes slowly close. Her hair is that same bright beautiful blonde I had when I was younger. I grin and the two of us fall asleep together.

•                   •                   •

I wake up from my nap a couple hours later and Elliotte is gone. I get out of the recliner to go find Travis. I go out the sliding door to the backyard but instead find Kylie standing alone. She's wearing a windbreaker and mittens as it's March in Pennsylvania.

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