Blue is the Warmest Color

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Ten Days Later
January 19th; 2024
Travis Kelce's Point of View
I've been sitting in my car for what feels like a lifetime. What is it with women and taking forever to get ready? I groan as I lay back in my seat. I'm tempted to honk the horn but I don't want to be rude. I finally see Grace walking down the steps of the stoop to her apartment. I get out of the car and walk to the passenger seat.
I open the door for her and she smiles as she steps into the car.

"Thank you." She has always had such a beautiful smile and is never afraid to show it.

"Of course." I give her a kiss on the cheek before getting back into the driver's seat.

Taylor peeps her head up front from the back seat with a grin. "Hi, Grace!"

"Ah, what the fuck!?" Grace screams in terror.

"What? I asked if Taylor could join us." This shouldn't be a surprise. I wanted to surprise two of my favorite girls tonight by treating them to a nice dinner.

"I thought you were joking! It's date night!"

"Well, this is awkward." Taylor comments.

"The reservation is for three..." I remind her.


"I don't want to intrude or anything." Taylor shyly adds.

"No, no. It's fine." I've been told when women say they're fine, they're not. I'm going to get yelled at later. I begin the drive to the restaurant with both girls.

"I wish we could have brought Rambo." Taylor pouts from the backseat. She's gotten strangely attached to him. She still avoids Chauncey but I'll call it progress.

"We went over this before we left! Rambo is a dog and the restaurant isn't dog-friendly."

"He isn't just a dog!" Taylor defends.

"Rambo was licking his asshole the other day. He's just a dog."

"He sleeps with the baby. He knows things!"

"Does Taylor sleep at your mansion?" Grace interrupts us and we look at her.

"Yeah. Why have her sleep at a hotel? I get to spend more time with the baby and it's more comfortable for Taylor."

"He also stays at my place. It's a two-way street." I don't think that was the problem Grace had.

"Maybe we have a talk about boundaries later." She mutters. She's frustrated and it's affecting everyone else.

"By the way, there's probably gonna be paparazzi," Taylor adds.

"What?" Grace has never had much experience with paparazzi. She's had her photo taken with me a few times but it's nothing compared to the attention Taylor gets.

"Paparazzi. They take my picture all the time without permission. It's really annoying."


•                     •                      •

At the restaurant, I ended up sitting next to Taylor while Grace was across from me. Grace was very quiet throughout dinner. She left it to Taylor and I to talk. The public still doesn't know of Taylor's pregnancy so she discreetly ordered grape juice in a wine glass. She's known for her love of white wine but she says she still drinks red sometimes.
Taylor has been telling us stories about her life. She asks to hear about my life but hers is so much better.

"So it's 2019 and we're doing a release party for my newest album Lover. Now, I'm the biggest lightweight. I go from perfectly fine to legitimately believing I'm a wizard. I had like two mojitos and I'm wasted of my ass. Someone takes a video of me half-assed dancing and it gets posted on Twitter. Next thing I know #drunktaylor is the number one trending hashtag on Twitter worldwide." Taylor pulls out her phone and shows the video which makes us all laugh. She shows how many memes people made and the stupid faces she was making. I know Taylor is famous and her life is under a magnifying glass, but I think this is when I realized how bad it was. I took a glance and saw the phones pointed at her. She's unfazed by it which amazes me.

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