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After a few months, Kalindi successfully delivered a healthy baby boy, the future heir of Rakshatra, who was later named as 'Agneya'.


Agneya became the apple of everyone's eyes.  From the maids to the guards, everyone was looking forward to meet their prince everyday, whenever he was taken out to get sunlight and fresh air.  Within two months of his birth, his grandfather Virendra decided to follow an ascetic life and left the palace.  Kalindi, with her son Agneya attended her brother's coronation ceremony while Abhyuday didn't attend it for official reasons.    Kalindi returned back to Rakshatra but the journey was longer due to many stops taken for their rest.

Agneya was only six months old when Kalindi conceived again for the second time.  Although it was a surprise, Abhyuday and Kalindi accepted the news with equal joy as their previous one.  Kalindi was sick most of the time for the first three months and Abhyuday took complete care of Agneya.  Since Kalindi had to stop breastfeeding, it became a bit easier for Abhyuday to handle his son.  Even when Abhyuday had to attend court, he took his son along with him.  Surprisingly, Agneya didn't threw much tantrum whenever his father took him away from his mother.  That doesn't mean the baby didn't miss his mother and that will be proved when he comes back to his mother's arms and hugs her tightly. 

When Kalindi was 7 months pregnant, she had to be on complete bedrest till the delivery otherwise the baby might be born with a disability.  So the few months she got to spend with Agneya after the first trimester, was over and they were back to their initial schedule of Abhyuday taking care of Agneya and Kalindi at bedrest.  This time, it was even more critical as Kalindi's life was at stake.  Abhyuday reduced his court timings and spent most of his time with his son, near by his wife.   For Agneya's first birthday, they donated a lot of gold coins as well as cows.  Kalindi regretted a lot for not taking care of her eldest son, who has even started walking and making illegible words.  But her husband consoled her constantly that the situation will get better once the child is born.  Both of them were waiting for the baby to come.

Finally Kalindi delivered their second baby who is a prince.   Kalindi was feeding the baby when Abhyuday brought Agneya to her and introduced his brother.  Kalindi kept the new born baby on the bed and picked up Agneya and said, "Agni, look at your little brother.  Doesn't he look like you".  Agneya sat beside the baby and sloppily kissed his head.  Kalindi kissed Agneya's head, who was clapping happily and said to her husband, "How come none of them take after my looks?  Both of them look like you.  Hope the next baby takes after me".  Abhyuday sighed and said, "Maharani, I think we should stop thinking about another child.  You had a lot of difficulties during this pregnancy which could have endangered both your and the child's life". 

Before he could continue more, Kalindi said, "Maharaj!  I'm not talking about next year or anytime near.  May be after 5 years or longer.  You may not say this but I know that you really wanted a girl child".  Abhyuday replied, "Doesn't mean you have to risk your life for that ".  They left the conversation without further arguments and looked their children, one was sleeping and the other was grabbing the hands of his younger brother.  Soon Agneya also fell asleep and Abhyuday went to meet his friend,  who was waiting in his study chamber.  Parth stood up looking at his friend and asked, "Is it a girl?".  Abhyuday rolled his eyes and said, "Your dream to have a daughter-in-law is broken.  Now I won't be worried whether your son stays in the palace all day or not".   Parth felt offended and said, "Either way you shouldn't be worried about a barely one year old boy.  You yourself have a one and a half year old and speaking ill about another boy.  This is very partial behaviour coming from the King".  Abhyuday replied, "Shut up and tell me the progress of building the protection wall near the coastal areas".  Their talks continued for some time.

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