Chapter Four: Hogwarts

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I woke, and the sun was shining brighter than I had ever seen it. I smiled when I remembered that today was Hogwarts.
I know I am mentally older, but I needed to let my inner child out today, I turned and saw Lily was still asleep and smirked, then jumped on her.



When she finally managed to push me, she looked at me with an evil smirk, and I knew this was trouble.......


She lunged for me, and I made a run for it, I ran to Petunias room with a loud laugh and ran into her bed before Lily jumped on to of us.


Petunia shouts before she starts laughing and then tickling us.
After a few moments of fun and crazy we all smiled at each other before we saw a flash. we turned and saw our parents taking pictures of us.

We all cuddled a few more moments before I shot up and ran to the shower before everyone else.
I could hear them all groan, but I didn't care, I wanted to look my best, especially with the sorting today.

Once I had washed myself, I went to my shared bedroom and started to get ready.
I gave my hair some light curls using my wandless magic, then I applied lotion to my skin and very light make up to my eyes and some lip balm to my lips, I was eleven and had no reason to really wear it.
We had packed our uniform into expendable bags for us to carry, I had packed books and food and in case a change of clothes.
I made sure Lily was packed as well, I bought one of these bags for Petunia, and she loves the potion books I get her.
Once I triple checked our bags, I went downstairs to breakfast and saw my family just started. They love to tease me about my meticulous nature of packing, but I just shrugged my shoulders and smile.
It was a nice morning, laughing and smiling. I wanted to keep it this way and if I had to kill a dark Lord to do it then I would, I need to create something that could find Horcruxes because I know were they are going to be or were at least three are at the moment, ring, diary and Diamante but they rest not yet.

I need to get rid of them before year six because my core will be strong enough then.
There was a ritual to give me the ability of parceltongue, and I needed to get to the Basilisk to get some venom, but that could wait.

Once everything was done, we put everything in the boot of the car and sat in the car.
The drive was over to quickly when we arrived at the station, I could see the confusion on my families faces before I walk to several pillars before I found the correct one and we all walking through with our luggage trolleys.

The sight was a lot more impressive than in the films, the only gripe is the smoke but other wise it was really exciting, we arrived early so we saw only a few families milling around, I hugged Petunia and we agreed to write in a week so we had lots to write about.
Me,Lily, and Severus walked with our trunks, but thanks to a feather light charm, I had been practising wandless it was easy to put them away.
Our carriage was a more neutral zone, so we were not with any house at the moment.
I put a single locking spell on the door when Lily clears her throat.

"I thought we couldn't do magic outside of school?"

I smiled at my twin, but also Severus thinks the same.

"The train is a part of the school, and there are so many magic signatures that they would never notice."

Their eyes widened at that, and then they smiled because they knew I would use this to prank someone.

Lily and Severus started talking about potions while I started to read my book on Elder Furnick  Runes. Not long after the train pulled away from the station, someone tried to yank the door open.
This caught all of our attention, I looked out the curtain and saw the boy from the broom shop, he looked like he was about to run the door and I yanked the door open and he came tumbling in.
Severus was shocked before fighting a laugh. Lily wasn't any better. I looked at this boy waiting for him to start yelling, which he looked like he about about to do at my sister and Severus before I cleared my throat, he turned to yell at me before he seemed to freeze at the sight of me.
This is the send time he did this, I saw Lily and Severus looking just his face with a frown before I spoke to him.

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