Chapter Seveteen: Highlights of Seventh Year

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I was thrilled that this was the last year, I would also be announcing the date of my married to Rabastan, James, and Tom after the year was over.
We had made sure that Tom soul was completely healed and no fractures remained, our new world with we had decided to call mageia, which was Greek for magic.
The purblood families after much convincing and being shown the evidence of what was happening agreed for the most part that all magic lives needed to be saved but the few that stood fast in their beliefs that only purebloods were worth ended up dead but then some had wizards or witches that decended from squib born childern claimed the Lordships and moved to mageia with all their family fortune.
Gringotts already had a site offered to them both land and underground but also offered the ability to hold wands again, after some heavy negotiations we came to a favorable deal to all parties involved and a seat on the council of our new world.
We had one part of the land that was pure forest for animals and magical beast only, which would be warded off with only special permission to enter.
Most of the forbidden forest had been cleared out already, the giants had been offered a continent so that they may grow and have their own land but they also had to follow the rules of our new world which after some long negotiations they were quite happy to follow.

Greyback and some of his close companions found themselves very dead one morning when I found them about to bite a child then rape another, she then offered a new chance to some of the sane victims of Greyback.
Tom offered to teach them then go from there, I offered them access on full moons to the forest we had set for animals and creatures which we decided to call Blood moon forest, my friends found it funny.
Most of the Black family including Orion Black had moved to the new world but Cyprus and Walburga Black were met with unfortunate accident during the summer when they were somehow hit with a car, I got a gift from Sirus of my favourite flowers with a card saying thank you but also some dragon hide boots from Bellatrix also saying thank you, we had made sure she was an Auror like she always wanted in our new world and was a brilliant career woman, she loved her job, training recruits but also accepted when I asked her to see a healer in private to help with any issues her parents might have left her with, she was doing a lot better now but still had a way to go.

After we arrived back at Hogwarts, I saw a pale Dumbledore who seemed to try and maintain his grandfatherly appreance but seemed to be struggling, but I could not find it in my heart to care.
This year I would hit one last place that had hidden knowledge, we had over the years made copies of ever book in the library at Hogwarts, we had cleared the room of requirements completing and also Nocturn Alley.
But this year, I would get into Dumbledores office. If the fanfiction and hints from my last life were anything to go by, then there were secret compartments or a secret room somewhere in there.
As I had already done my NEWTs I decided to help others study over the course of the year with Rabastan who took his NEWTs in the summer and would be studying Charms mastery once we were in our new world with a Charms master from China, he was highly recommended by the goblins and I would always try to go with their recommendations if I could help it.

James was better world for it a slacker, he did not care about passing much but he wanted to get good enough grades to be an auror, I could already tell you he was going to be the brute of the family but also the comic relief but he could always make me smile.

Tom would by my 'older man' I know I had, he was dark and sexy in a way only an older man like him could be, we had only kissed and touched a little but I was excited to see how he would take charge and what those three would do to me on our wedding night.

Over the course of the year Lily and Severus declared they would be getting married in the first week of summer, we all celebrated for them and the mauraders declaring they would help plan a bachelor party much to Severus horror who was quickly saved by Reguluas declaring he already had it in hand, I honestly thought Severus would of cried in relief at this point but I told them that my wedding would be held in mageia so that we all head something to celebrate, this was to share with all my family but also to make a statement and show that their Queen would celebrate with them all that special day.

She was touched by it all and made sure to be extra gruelling to them also especially to her future husbands as they needed to do well much to James grumbling along with Sirus but Peter and Remus seemed to thrive on it and were doing very well, thry all agreed to distract Dumbledore while I raided his office before we were all due to leave.

When the day finally came, Lily offered to go with me which I accepted as two hands were better then one which then drew Severus in, I taught them the spell  I had created which would allow them to copy the books no matter the enchantments protecting it then gave them instructions on my expandable bag.
We made our way to Dumbledores office, spoke his ridiculous password before entering, I froze the portraits to stop hem from running and then looked to the Phoenix then put a barrier to stop it from leaving the office to inform Dumbledore.

"Spread out."

With me saying that we did, Severus found the Pensive and the memories inside making a note of who belongs to who and taking all of Tom Riddles with us but also the ones he has of me.
Lily found a shelf of books are black magic and we decided to just take those as someone like Dumbledore should not have those AT ALL but as we took them down, we came across a section which was pure light spells Lily copied them as I took other instruments that should not be in a head masters officer when Lily called me.
One of the books she grabbed was false, and a doorway opened up, we popped our head in, then waved my wand to check for defensive spells.
There were several, and I managed to freeze them for a few hours while we did our work.
We walked in and found a room as large as Dumbledores' office with nothing but books and several portraits of the founders of Hogwarts surprising us when they all looked over at us in suprise.

"Look at what we have here? Look Rowena, she looks like you. "

The man with deep red hair says, pointing towards me as I raise my eyebrow at Godric Gryffindor, but the man with dark brown hair and green eyes looks at him with an eye roll.

"Of course she does, Godric."

He said with a polite sass that I liked, but we were on a time limit.

"We have come to talk all these books, I wish to take your portraits with us. Are they bound to the castle?"

The four founders look at me with looks of disbelief but before they could say anything Severus jumps in and tells them what has been happening and what I am doing to save magic as muggle weapons are now too powerful and only growing, telling them about our new world etc.
The founders were reluctant only because they had built Hogwarts and it was there home but we could not talke the castle with us to our new world but I offered the built school, there portraits would be everywhere and Hogwarts was some what sentient so I would offer the school a chance to move itself somewhere new which won them over in the end.
After they were safely away, we collected all the boxes, which some gave us trouble, but otherwise, alright, we left the room, unlocked the defences, and unfrozen the headmaster portraits when we left.
It took us over three hours but otherwise a job well done, James and half the school pranked Dumbledore to the point the man's eye was actually twitching and I could not help but smile at it.

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