Chapter Eighteen: Battle with Dumbledore

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School was finally over, I had managed to find the ward stone, which was stripped of a lot of its power by Dumbledore.
All I could do was swear in several languages about the man before tapping in to somewhat talk with the castle. It agreed to join me and would take all its magic with us.
I laid a collection stone which would house the consciousness of the castle but it would take a few weeks as it was a very large and old castle, it had moved several portraits it wanted taking for me to put away which I did without batting an eyelid.
The house elfs would also be joining us as they were tided to the castle, I intrusted one house elf  Nippy to bring me the stone once the transfer was completed which he agreed to and that we would make sure she enjoyed her new body once in the our new world.

I used the first few weeks of summer to plan Lily wedding but also to talk to international connections, all of the magical African population agreed to go as did Russia and the Japanese but China only about half wished to go so a good portion, mostly the more traditional but not all the Americans and the same with European countries.
Icelandic witches and Wizards agreed as they used very old magic and preferred it.
A lot of witches and wizards from New Zealand and Australia were also coming, but as well as shaman, voodoo, and priests for the old religions were also welcomed.
We had a mass migration of magical creatures both normal and dangerous but they were all welcome, we had certain areas for Basliks and other dangerous creatures just so witches and wizards would not get killed and only animal keepers could enter for ingredients for potions or wands which Tom organised as they would also be trained like an Auror as they would need to stop poachers but thry would also be trained in Magical creatures even if they got an O in COMC.

Remus has offered himself up when he moves as his mother wished for him to move as she passed away a year ago with his father passing away not long after but we kept him company and made sure he was hardly alone, I would made sure he was placed in charge at some point but I did not want to show obvious favor so I would have to wait till he got experience.

Sirus, to my suprise, wanted to become an Auror even with how lazy his was and left the politics to Reggie, which after a long discussion with his family agreed upon.
A lot of mundane born agreed to go, they wished to use their magic and would not be able to do that in thr mundane world but thry struggled to get jobs in the magical world but they would not have that issue in our new world as everyone was given a role once they arrived mageia and could progress over time like any good job role.
I already have several ask to train to become my personal guards and would be getting there CIA certification, one was a ex service man stating that he would be helping to train the Aurors and one military force to help protect our new world and would bring other mundane born along with squibs that were in varies forces but they would also help guard me till new ones were training, I gave them leave to plan and create a new system but to pass the plans to me before we give it the okay.
I was getting more excited for my sisters wedding and Severus had been avoiding the marauders like the plague but his stag night was tonight and he could not escape them any longer but he had Reggie and Lucius to help keep him sane as possible.
Lily had me as her made of honor but she had Petunia and Alice as her bride maids but I had pretty much half of Gryffindor but I had nice number of Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and a suprising number of Slytherin.
I did not think I would ever see he day that Bellatrix would wear a pink sash along with glitter makeup, but she looked great. She was trying to pull off a mundane mermaid. We had encouraged her to read mundane books, and she was reluctant, but now it has become her secret addiction, but we all pretend not to notice.

We started off at a local hotel in mundane London as our parents had already sold there house and any belongings they were not taking to mageia, our mother was talking to Dealla Rosier about different make up that should would be taking and the new make up line I had created for mageia when you just wish to take your time instead of using your wand.
Everyone was drinking champagne when I saw Lily come out of her room looking like a very badly done drag queen, I do not think I saw so many dark families burst into laughter at once before I stood up he stood on the table.

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