Chapter 53

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"Oh my, Killian, were you waiting for me?"

"Where are you coming from?"

"I came back from visiting Lizé."

Hearing that I had met Lizé, Killian gave a small nod.

Was that a scoring point?

Killian rattled off a series of unimportant things.

The weather, the Duke and Duchess, that sort of thing.

Then he subtly turned the conversation to me.

"By the way...... how about increasing your exercise a bit for your health? I hear you're taking morning walks, but really, it would be nice to take a lap around the garden once a day after meals."

"Oh, really?"

Truth be told, I've been eating a bit too much since I went from starving to eating, and even the "fantasy" in a Rofan novel can't prevent me from gaining weight.

If anything, I've gained a little weight on my sides......

"It improves your mood and keeps you from gaining weight."

"Do I look fat?"

"Mmm, yeah. You look a little fatter than you used to."

Killian's words shocked me.

If Killian, who didn't care about me, thought I'd gained weight, how much weight had I gained?

I jumped to my feet.

"In that case, I should probably take a walk."

"I'll walk with you."


"I'll walk with you, as an escort?"

The hairs on my back stood on end.

"Ah...... but now that I think about it, I find your remark a little insulting, like you're telling me to exercise because of how much weight I've gained......"

"Oh, no, that's not what I meant!"

"I'm not going for a walk today. I'll do it next time."

I could see Killian clenching his molars.

Wow, I almost failed this test.

If I'd said yes earlier, he'd have given me the cold shoulder.

"I think you may have misunderstood my wording. I meant that you've gained more weight than before, not that you've gained so much weight that you need to lose it."

"Oh, I see, and I'm sorry I misunderstood, but I don't feel like going out much. Of course, I appreciate your concern for my health, Killian."

I just need to say a lot of thanks.

Isn't this the standard response?

"......alright, see you later."

"Bye. Have a great day!"

I waved him off with a smile on my face in a service-minded manner.

'Whoa, I passed today's test!'

I did a little dance of joy on my own when Anna wasn't looking, but then I remembered Killian's eyes on me and stopped.

It looked like something was going to snap at any moment.

'The high ground[1] must be just around the corner!'

[1] High ground = one's goal.

This would definitely be the end of his doubts.

He must have been testing me, thinking, "This can't be true, she'll surely jump at the chance I give her," but it didn't go the way he thought, so he doubted his own thoughts.

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