Chapter 64

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"Oh, thank you, Killian."

"If you'd like, I'll buy back the things you sold."

"No! The things I sold are things I really don't need."

Instead of buying them back, I'd like you to buy me something else or give me money, but it's really hard to say.

"I wish you would have said something to me before you sold them."

Killian looked quite upset, probably because he thought I was short of money enough to throw away my aristocratic pride.

I felt the need to comfort him.

"It's all stuff I should have gotten rid of when I went down to the estate with you later, anyway. It's just unnecessary baggage."

"The estate......?"

Oh, did I say anything wrong?

Well, I'm being insensitive. Leaving for the estate means Killian has to leave his beloved Lizé behind.

"I didn't know you were already thinking about that."

"Oh, that's because......"

What if he says I'm being presumptuous?

It would hurt my feelings if he said, "Who said I'd take you along?"

"No, rather, I've been a little too carefree, I suppose, when I should have been preparing to leave for the estate."

"No, of course not."

"I'm glad to hear you've gotten rid of your stuff in the spirit of packing, but the truth is, there's a lot more to buy here. The Ryzen estate itself isn't a bad place, but the castle we'll be staying in doesn't have much stuff."

Huh? He's surprisingly okay with this topic!

But why am I blushing so hard? Is it because I'm excited to move into a new castle?

"The furniture is all crude, and there's not a single thing to decorate the castle. There's no luxury goods manufactured in the area, so we have to buy everything here."

"Ah...... I see."

"We'd better order the furniture in advance, it'll take a while to get it all made."

"We can use what we have......"

"No, we'll have to order everything, starting with the crockery and candlesticks, because you'll have to personalize them to your taste as the hostess."

because you, the hostess, will have to customize everything."

I was about to say that we can use what we have, but the word "hostess" struck a chord with me and I stopped myself.

Killian Ludwig, who used to look at me with hate as if he wanted to throw me out at any time, called me "my wife" and then "hostess". I can't tell you how overwhelmed I am!

The struggles of the past few months seemed to flash before my eyes.

But the feeling didn't last long. The commoner in me was quickly hitting the calculator.

An overwhelming feeling is a thing, but wasting money is a different thing.

"I'd rather just use what I can use."

"It's all going to be clunky."

"It just needs to function properly."

"So you don't mind if it's peasant farmhouse furniture?"

"As long as it's not inconvenient."

Killian frowned as if he didn't understand. "Why on earth would you do that?"

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