Chapter 99

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"Edith Riegelhoff thinks of House Ludwig as her purse. She said that if she and Sir Killian divorce, she'll get a huge mansion and a big alimony check, and that she has nothing to complain about."


"That's what Miss Edith herself told me at the National Day ball. I'm not the only one who heard it, so you can look into it."

If you listen to the story without the details, it sounds like Edith has been spreading rumors like that all over the place.

The Duke had been feeling sorry for Edith as of late, but to hear her say such a thing at a time when Count Riegelhoff was causing him so much trouble, he felt a surge of betrayal and clenched his molars.

But he didn't show his feelings hastily. "Not that there's anything wrong with that, after all, that's what it says in the contract I signed myself when they got married."

Again, the Count spoke up, "How long are you going to put up with this cunning, insolent creature who takes after her father? Count Riegelhoff is no longer with you, and I can provide you with a solid iron ore distribution network. You know what that means, don't you?"

The marriage was made for iron ore distribution rights and an alliance, and since those two conditions have already lost their meaning, shouldn't the marriage be broken?


Even so, when the Duke didn't respond, Leila hesitantly spoke up with a pained expression.

"It's because of Lizé...... isn't it? Because I was mean to her in the past......"

The words hit the nail on the head, and the Duke turned his gaze to Leila.

"I was too young and immature then, and I was jealous because she was beautiful...... but I'm not now, and she's my sister after all."

Leila pretended to reflect on her past with a sad expression, but the Duke made no response to that either.

He knew that Leila Sinclair was the source of all the malicious rumors about Lizé that had been circulating for some time.

'But it's also true that we need an iron ore distribution network, because sooner or later we'll need to place another large order for weapons like swords and spears......'

Of course, the iron ore of the empire would not be controlled by just two families, but Count Riegelhoff and Count Sinclair have the largest distribution network.

As the Duke thought about it, he was bothered by Killian's demeanor lately.

'He seems to be trying to keep Edith by his side, but...... should I tell him to let go of her now?'

As a duke who doesn't know the details of what goes on in the mansion, he doesn't know exactly how Killian feels.

But he believes that Killian is not in love with Edith. Compared to the Killian who was in love with Lizé, the Killian of today is more of a bluntness towards Edith.

"Hmm, It's far too early to talk about this. It's not as if Count Riegelhoff has completely betrayed me, and it's not as if I have any control over Killian's marriage, but I do understand what you're trying to say."

Count Sinclair backed down, albeit with some regret.

"Of course, I didn't mean for you to decide on the matter of Sir Killian's marriage right now, either. Rather, I was just stopping by to assure you that we have the iron ore distribution rights, so you don't have to worry too much, Duke."

"Thank you. Thanks to you, I'll be able to deal with Archduke Langston's faction in a more measured manner."

"Hahaha, I'm glad I could be of help."

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