Chapter 78

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"What style would you prefer, my lord?"

"I'd like it to match my wife's dress......"

"Oh, how romantic!"


Seeing Killian's face hardened at the boutique owner's comment, I was sure he was thinking the same thing as me.

But apparently, the reputation of the boutique wasn't a lie, as the owner skillfully and earnestly recommended a suit for Killian.

It was a dark blue suit with gold trim on the lapels and cuffs, and looked more ornate than Killian usually wore.

But when paired with my dress, the suit looked like a couple's outfit, so both of us liked it.

"I'll take this one."

"You've made a good choice. It's a shame I won't get to see you two go to the ball in this, I'm sure you'll look stunning."

He looked at us with a twinkle in his eye, as if trying to imagine it.

'This is too overwhelming......'

As I thought that, I looked at Killian and he had the same look on his face.

We burst out laughing at the same time, bowing our heads and giggling before we were escorted out of the boutique by the entire staff.

"I think you made your decision a little too quickly, you could have tried on a few more dresses......"

"No, I really liked that dress, and to be honest, I think you have a really good eye."

"Well, I've often been told I have a good eye."

"Oh, yeah, I'm sure you do."

We joked and giggled again.

"While we're at it, let's match boots and shoes."

"Oh, right, we were supposed to do that, right?"

"We were supposed to go earlier......"

Killian's face turned grim as he recalled the time I nearly drowned again.

I gathered my courage and threw my arm around his.

"Come on!"

Killian looked back and forth between me and my linked arm, then nodded with a smile.

The street where the boutique was located was close to Le-Belle Marie Street, so we took a stroll and headed for the shoe store.


As I stepped onto Le-Belle Marie Street, the word "wow" naturally came out.

While Darsus Street is famous for the noblemen and has many luxurious things to see, Le-Belle Marie Street seems to be a street specially made for women.

There are many cute and pretty shops, and many feminine and elegant shops.

The cafes also seem to put more effort into their appearance than those on Darsus Street.

There are many things to see

But the only thing better than walking down Le-Belle Marie Street was hearing Killian's voice, which somehow sounded apologetic.

"If I'd known you'd like it so much, I'd have gotten you out more often."

I know our relationship back then didn't make it possible for us to do such a thing, and he knows that too.

Still, there's something about him saying that.

Instead of answering, I grinned and followed him into the shoe store.

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