.•.Lovers interlude.•.

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"Hey you

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"Hey you." Was the first thing Mina said as she entered the Cullen home, wearing a different set of clothes that she had left with.

Rosalie raised a perfectly raised eyebrow at her wife, her eyes scanning the hybrid, as she stood with a hip out and her arms crossed. Mina had been doing this disappearing act for the better part of 4 days and Alice refused to tell her what Mina had been up too.

"Don't 'hey you' me." Rosalie said with attitude, making the hybrid smile sheepishly at her. The rest of the family plus Edward all sat around in the living room watching this happen.

Mina was the big scary hybrid but it was almost comical how easily it was for Rosalie to knock her down a peg with just a look.

"Where have you been?" Rosalie asked, as Mina cautiously walked around her, in the way that a person would walk around an agressive dog.

"I just went for a run." Mina said in an uncommitted tone as she sat down in the living room couch, but not before throwing Edward the nastiest of glares before returning to her neutral face, making Jasper chuckle at her.

"You went for a run?" Rosalie questioned, failing to keep her distrust down. "You've been doing that a lot lately. Where too?" She continued.

The rest of the Cullens watched their exchanged much like they were watching a tennis match, their heads turning from one to another. The exchange certainly wasn't agressive but no could miss the slight passive agressive tone that Rosalie was trying to keep at bay.

Rosalie didn't miss the quick glance Mina threw at Alice, making her narrow her eyes at both of them. What was Mina hiding from her and what did Alice know? Alice subtly raised then dropped her shoulders as if to say 'I don't know'. Another gestured that Rosalie didn't miss.

"It's a surprise for you." Mina said to Rosalie honestly, but there was a slight grimace of hesitation on her face, "we've been married for 50 years, and I stumbled upon something and I've been getting it ready." Mina told Rosalie.

Rosalie hummed, satisfied by this answer but wanting to know what had been keeping her lover away these days. As Mina said, their 50th year was coming up, and she had been feeling extra clingy these days, so Mina's disappearing act wasn't exactly helping.

"Do you want it now?" Mina asked in an almost childlike way, making a small smile break through on Rosalie's face. Alice looked just as excited right next to her, making all the siblings look between them wondering what the big surprise was. Alice was clearly playing mind games trying to prevent Edward from seeing what the surprise was, and he certainly wasn't going to ask as he was still very much on 'parole' with his family.

"Okay?" Rosalie said looking between Mina and Alice. Alice squealed.

Mina immediately got up, going for the door, but before leaving she turned to Rosalie, "wait in our room, this gift is for you me." She said quickly before speeding off, leaving Rosalie and the rest of the family plus Edward in silence.

"Kinky." Beverly said simply, breaking the silence. This comment making the 'teens' chuckle, and Esme playfully roll her eyes at them.

Rosalie got up not saying another word, and went to their bedroom and laid down on their bed, and carried in reading the book she had started last night to pass the time.

It didn't take long for Rose to sense Mina's close presence. It was like the two were psychically joined and could tell when the other was in the vicinity. So she sat up, leaning her back on the bed board.

Mina jumped up onto their balcony, a dopey nervous smile on her face, "okay, so you can't get mad okay?" Mina told Rosalie, once again making the blonde vampire sigh before nodding and giving an unsure "okay."

Right after nodding is when she smelled it. The scent was all over Mina, immediately making her face palm.

"Where is it, where did you put it." Rosalie asked Mina almost exasperated though she couldn't stop the small laugh that bubbles out of her throat. The sound making Mina smile lovingly at her.

Mina moved her arms from behind her back, and revealed a small white kitten, that had grey accents on it face it was the fluffiest rag doll kitten ever. She held the cat up to her face jutted her lip outward was she looked at Rosalie looking at the cat.

"Isn't she the cutest." Mina asked as her own cute agression took over making her want to hug the poor thing to death. Rosalie wanted to be mad, to say that they had spoken about this before and that having a cat didn't exactly fit their lifestyle, but there was something about seeing Mina and the cutest cat alive, side to side that made her immediately stop any scolding she was about to give.

"Oh my god." Rosalie squealed, getting closer to Mina and the cat, reaching out to hold the chill cat. By all accounts, this cat should have been scared shitless of both of them, considering that animals tended to avoid vampires, and Mina because they were naturally predators.

The cat seemed ok though, only trying to wiggle out of their arms, itching to explore the new room it was now in. It meowed cutely making the married coupled coo at it immediately, trying to be gentle with the small creature.

"I want to be mad at you." Rosalie said as she pet the top of its head, the cat leaning into her touch, almost as a refuge from Mina's hot temperature at the moment.

"How can you be mad when you see this face." Mina said cheekily as she held the cat up for Rosalie to hold, which she quickly obliged, holding the small thing like one would a child, giving it belly rubs.

"Can we keep her, she is your anniversary present after all." Mina asked Rose with a slight pleading pout on her lips.

"It's not practical though." Rosalie said as she took her eyes off of the cat, and to her eager wife.

"Who cares about practicality." Mina said again, "she's cute and she'll be a part of of our little family, me, you and her." Mina said excitedly gesturing to the three of them. The Cullens were more her extended family, Rose and hopefully this fluffy fluff ball would an new addition to the pair.

"Plus, maybe having her, will show you that we deserve to add to our little family, no matter what we are." She again added softly and she put her arms around Rosalie pulled her closer, the cat between them.

Rosalie smiled lovingly at Mina at this moment. Meanwhile downstairs Beverly, Alice and Esme all internally Awwed hearing Mina make this statement. It was no secret the Rosalie struggled with the idea of them ever being parents as she felt she was a monster. Having this fragile creature to nurture was a step in the right direction for them.

"Okay, we can keep her." Rosalie said finally. Making Mina pick her up, still being mindful of the cat that she was still holding and spinning her around slightly.

"Jasper, you better not eat our fucking cat." Mina said after, aware that the rest of the family could hear them, "or I'll brutally kill you." She continued in all seriousness. Jasper was the weakest amongst them in terms of controlling his thirst, she didn't want their new family member being accidentally drained by a feral jasper.

Jasper pouted hearing those words, but Alice kissed the pout away, making him feel slightly better about Mina's comment. Meanwhile Emmet and Beverly couldn't hide their amusement.

"What's her name?" Mina asked Rosalie who looked ta the now sleeping cat in her arms.

"Vera." She said simply


Happy Christmas Eve y'all🎄

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