Chapter 3: To Keep a Vow

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Vivienne's eyes practically buldged out of her sockets as she ran through the letter over and over again. She almost couldn't believe its contents. She had to be sure this was not just some strange dream. Should she pinch herself? Certainly the contents of the letter had not at all been what she anticipated. All eyes remained firmly on her as her council watched with baited breath.

"A.. marriage proposal?" She finally said aloud.

Everything erupted at that. The room never been so loud in the.. albeit months that Vivienne had been queen. Since her ascension to the throne, everyone had been carrying out their duties with a sense of melancholy. Everyone still mourned for the king and the crown prince, mourned for the loss of such a glorious dynasty. Now, for the first time in a long time, the room was lively. Shocked gasps and voices buzzed through the room as the advisors all talked over each other.

"A trap! It must be a trap!"

"A marriage! Between two women? Unheard of!"

"That Natalia is just the kind to think of something so audacious.. so backwards.."

"Your majesty, what will you do?! If you dare reject her proposal she will surely declare war on us!"

The dozens of voices speaking all at once combined with the shock of receiving such a letter was starting to make Vivienne feel light-headed. Her head was pounding and everything seemed to be spinning. Finally, she was able to regain enough sense to command her council quiet.


The voices slowly died down to a murmur. Everyone wanted to know what the Queen had to say.

Vivienne did not speak for several moments. Quietly she contemplated, skimming over the letter once more, letting her mind wander to all of the possibilities that could come out of such a predicament. She cleared her throat as she reached her conclusion, knowing that her advisors would not like what she had to say.

"I will accept her proposal." She said seriously. Once again the many voices began to rise as the council voiced their protests.

"Quiet," She ordered, "I've made up my mind. This is what is best for our kingdom. This union would save Azalea."

The advisors didn't know what to think. Was there anything they could say that could change Queen Vivienne's mind? Once more, they began to whisper amongst each other, trying to find a way to convince their queen not to make what would surely be a terrible mistake.

Vivienne had long been prepared to marry someone she did not know or love for the sanctity of her country. This was something her advisors could never understand. As a princess, Vivienne was raised with the traditional expectations that she would be married off to a foreign king, prince, or nobleman. Being queen did not relinquish her of those duties.

Vivienne had made a vow she would do whatever it took to ensure the prosperity of her country. This letter, this proposal, was the ultimate test to see how far she would be willing to go. To keep a vow, especially to her kingdom, was very important to her. Queen Vivienne would go as far as Azalea needed her to. Love be damned! Whatever it took.

Now Vivienne was imagining crushing the Metarkon kingdom with the assistance of Gladoria. The look King Icup would have on his face when the warrior Natalia charged into battle on behalf of Azalea! Her council was picturing it now too, she was sure, this was exactly what the Kingdom of Azalea needed. A strong, beautiful warrior like Natalia with a powerful army at her disposal to help defend their beloved homeland.

 What did it matter if Vivienne married her? It was unorthodox, to be sure, but at least she was doing it on her own terms. Surely she could do worse. What if King Icup wished to wed her as part of their peace negotiations? The thought of that made Vivienne want to gag. Then again, surely Natalia wanted something in return.. she wouldn't offer herself to Vivienne for nothing. Vivienne would agree to her proposal, but first she had to figure out just what it was she wanted.

The council was no longer protesting their Queen's decision. They did not like Gladoria, or its "queen",  and thought Queen Vivienne could do much better than to marry a low-born, and a woman at that. Nonetheless, they too had been deliberating and they too had come to understand that the marriage of Queen Vivienne of Azaela to Natalia of Gladoria was the best thing for their kingdom. They watched their queen in silent acceptance, waiting to see what she would do next.

Queen Vivienne abruptly stood up from her chair.

"Fetch me some parchment, please. I have a letter to write."

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