Chapter 8: Insecurity

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Natalia had been very impressed with Vivienne's speech. Not only was she a very charismatic and persuasive queen, but she had the challenge of announcing something Natalia thought would be.. rather difficult for the people to hear.

Natalia had almost been expecting the announcement of their engagement to go sour. She had stood still, half wishing she was invisible, bracing for the crowd to boo and jeer. Perhaps even throw things at them.

Now, she was almost embarrassed. To fear the reaction of the public, to fear the people, was hardly a trait of a worthy queen. Natalia knew that her strengths lie in combat and strategy rather than crowd-pleasing, but she still felt she had humiliated herself with her inaction.

Her humble origins could not be more obvious now. Her most secret insecurity. Something she would never let anyone know bothered her so much. It was like a constant ache under her skin. The ever-lasting reminders of her inadequacy haunted her thoughts and filled her brain with doubts. She hated it.

While the charming and well-spoken Queen Vivienne flourished in the spotlight, the warrior, the humble soldier, stood silent in the background. Natalia had made herself look weak in front of all of Azalea.

However, to hear the cheers of the crowd was admittedly pleasing. Never in a million years would Natalia have anticipated that the beloved Queen of Azaela's subjects would cheer and applaud for her marriage to her of all people. She had been relieved. Maybe this marriage may not of been as disastrous for Vivienne as she had thought.

She was surrounded by the darkness of her chambers now, sat on the edge of the luxurious bed with her hands on her chin in contemplation.

It was very possible she was over-exaggerating the humiliation she faced, she would admit she had the tendency to do that. She sighed to herself. Whatever the case was, she would redeem herself by bringing Azalea honor in war.

Natalia took a glance towards the jewelry box on her nightstand containing the ring she would give to Vivienne the following day. It was her mother's favorite ring when she was a little girl, but that reminded her of things she didn't want to think about at the moment.

Natalia looked at the tasteful grandfather clock pushed up against the wall. It was almost midnight now, she had been silently deliberating to herself since she had retired to her chambers hours ago. She sighed again.

Rising up from the edge of her bed, she quietly walked to the front and lifted up the covers, sliding herself onto the comfortable mattress and letting out a groan of contentment.

Natalia had been under a lot of stress since the arrangements for her marriage to Queen Vivienne had been made, and even she needed time to relax every now and then. She turned on her side and closed her eyes, letting secret fantasies of her fiancée lull her to sleep.

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