Chapter 6: Terms and Conditions

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Natalia was very impressed with the Azalean Palace, and even more impressed with Queen Vivienne. When Natalia saw her for the first time, sat so magnificently upon her throne, she could have fallen to her knees before her. It was a miracle she was able to keep herself from falling apart then and there.

What Gods would allow such a creature to walk the earth, knowing none of them could ever be half as perfect? Time itself seemed to stop for her. What heavenly bodies Natalia must have gained favor with be permitted to even breathe the same air as her. To be looked upon by her. To be touched by her.

Needless to say, Natalia felt all of her doubts slip away the moment she saw Queen Vivienne.
She had never seen anyone so beautiful in her entire life. She had never wanted to know anyone so deeply, to know her thoughts, her hopes, her dreams, her desires..

As she walked quietly beside her soon-to-be fiancée, being led to an advisory room where they could discuss terms for the marriage, Natalia had enough sense to keep herself looking calm. Stoic. If Vivienne knew the extent of her emotions, she would surely be scared off. Perhaps she may even call off the engagement.

Yes, it was better for the both of them that Natalia remained perfectly formal. She would do what was expected of her, and no more, for fear of intimidating her new wife. Only she would know the intensity of her true feelings, and how quickly she had grown so fond of her wife-to-be.

They had reached their destination now, Natalia was led to a seat directly across from Vivienne. From here she could admire her stunning blue eyes, her cupids bow lips, her fluffy blonde hair done up in curls, her..

"We may now begin with the terms and conditions for the marriage between Queen Vivienne of Azalea and Queen Natalia of Gladoria. Your Majesty, as our guest, would you like to begin with the proceedings?"

An advisor's words snapped her out of her trance. Everyone in the room was looking at her expectedly. Queen Vivienne's sparkling eyes were fixed on her.

She cleared her throat. "Of course." she said. "We'll begin with what we've already agreed upon. I will provide Azalea assistance in the war against Metarkon and the unity of our kingdoms will formally legitimize my crown."

Vivienne gave her nod of approval, although some of the advisors were looking at Natalia skeptically. They still did not respect her, she realized, even in the court of her soon-to-be wife she was privy to judgement. This only served to make her further withdrawn.

"But I have some of my own ideas as well," she continued, "Seeing that this is not a typical union, there is no reason for formal consummation of the marriage. We cannot bear heirs."

Some of the councilmen's eyes seemed to bug out at this. Was this an inappropriate thing to bring up during their negotiations? Had Natalia made a mistake?

"In that regard, I too have some ideas of my own." Queen Vivienne spoke up. Every head quickly turned from Natalia to her. Natalia felt relieved the attention was off of her.

"I request that the existence of adulterous relationships in our marriage be absolutely forbidden."

This seemed to shock the council even more, and Natalia doubted this was something that had been discussed prior to this meeting. But she herself could've smiled. Vivienne did not want either of them to bed anyone else. Surely that had to mean something.

Vivienne was staring at Natalia now, likely trying to gauge her reaction, to see if she looked disappointed or displeased. Natalia realized Vivienne was trying to find out if she had any lovers. Though she remained unmoved, inside she felt her heart soar.

"I take no issue with that." she said, and signaled to the advisor writing out the terms, "Write both those clauses down." Vivienne smiled.

The rest of the negotiation remained uneventful. Most was dedicated to formally planning the engagement and the party that would follow. Natalia was pleased that she and Vivienne had not disagreed on any issues.

The discussion was over now, the final contract had been drawn up. The advisors started to file out of the room, having half a mind to give the brides-to-be privacy for the first time since they had met.

Natalia found herself at a loss of words. What could she say that wouldn't seem odd to Vivienne? What if she stuttered, or made a fool of herself? Outside the comfort of formal conservations, she realized she had no clue where to begin.

"Thank you." Queen Vivienne said, drawing her attention. Natalia must've looked confused, because she clarified, "Thank you for helping Azalea. It means more to me than I could ever convey."

"Oh, it's no problem." Natalia finally found her voice. "We're both helping each other, you know."

"Still." Vivienne said. "I'm very grateful. You have been.. lovely to me." She smiled softly, ocean eyes searching Natalia's.

With that, Natalia found herself regaining confidence. She stood up and walked over to Vivienne, taking her hand and placing it gently in her own.

"My lady," she whispered, "For even a shred of your affections, I would do it all in a heartbeat."

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