Chapter 15: Powerlessness

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Upon arrival in Gladoria, Vivienne had taken up residence as a guest in Natalia's main palace. Although the weather was not as warm, and the flowers were not as plentiful, Vivienne still saw Gladoria as a beautiful country with a lot to offer.

All of the people she had met had been so warm and welcoming towards her, and they listened attentively while she spoke to the masses.

All in all, it seemed their marriage was even more popular in Gladoria than in Azalea, and Vivienne was glad for it. She wrote frequently to Natalia of her successes, stating that beyond a doubt they had the overwhelming support of their kingdoms.

In between her public appearances, she would take strolls around the castle, admiring the decor and getting a taste for what true Gladorian fashion looked like.

Being that she had never left Azalea, the chance to explore another kingdom was not one she could pass up. The fact that it was her wife's kingdom only made it especially interesting.

One thing that had especially stuck out to Vivienne was the lack of royal portraits on the wall. In the Azalean kingdom, the castle walls were strung with paintings depicted ancestors stretching back many generations. Gladoria, as a brand new country, had no such background.

Currently Vivienne sat at a desk in her chambers. Although they were technically Natalia's chambers, and Vivienne was only using them temporarily. Nonetheless, Natalia had encouraged her to make herself as comfortable as possible.

The bedroom was decorated relatively minimally, although the furs on the large king-sized bed were very tasteful. The only portrait was of Vivienne herself, the one she had sent Natalia during their courting. She thought it was sweet Natalia had hung it in her chambers.

She re-read the most recent letter from Natalia, received four days ago. She had been feeling rather melancholy as of late and the assurance that her wife was safe helped to ground her.

My dearest, Vivienne,

I am very glad to hear of your success in my kingdom. I must say I am not surprised to hear of my subjects' love for you, as they have adored you long before our marriage, but it pleases me nonetheless.

The war is in our favor, as it has been from the start. The Metarkons have trapped themselves and have no way out but to confront our superior force. I assure you I spend no time worrying about our chances of winning this war. Our successes have been guaranteed by the mistakes of such a foolish king.

I must say that not a day goes by that I don't picture the face of my beautiful wife. I admit I find myself frequently remembering the intimacy we shared when we danced together for the first time.

Let it be known that I intend to win this war and come home soon so that we may make many more memories together.

Your loving wife,
Queen Natalia of Gladoria

Vivienne took out a pen and parchment and began constructing her latest letter to Natalia.

Dearest Natalia,

I hope all is well with you. I pray for your good health and success on the battlefield.

Vivienne paused. In all of her letters she tried not to make clear the fear she felt for Natalia in her absence. It seemed silly to worry over the safety of such a strong warrior, but Vivienne couldn't help it. Perhaps she was too weak-minded for the tribulations of war.

It had been on her mind since Natalia's departure. Vivienne felt a constant ache in her stomach she knew would not resolve itself until the war was over and her wife was home safe.

It was silly; she had known since their marital agreement that this was going to happen. The entire agreement was on the basis of Natalia fighting Metarkon. She just hadn't anticipated the stress she would feel for her wife. Nor the attachment. Nor the feeling of powerlessness.

Vivienne could not let Natalia have an inkling as to her worry, she certainly had enough problems as it was. She kept most of letters light and joyful, focusing on the joy she felt by being in Gladoria.

Still, she was unable to do anything for her stress, and put a hand against her aching stomach in an attempt to soothe it. She balled up her first letter and allowed a single tear to roll down her cheek as she grabbed another piece of parchment.

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