Chapter 12: Words Unspoken

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As soon as Vivienne and Natalia were pronounced married, Natalia was already preparing to embark on the trip to the southern border. They had been anticipating King Icup to make an advance for some time, and now it was finally happening.

Natalia realized that he had likely chosen their wedding dat as the date for his invasion on purpose. A day people were celebrating, a day people were letting their guards down, a day Vivienne and Natalia were preoccupied, their minds filled with other things. It filled Natalia with rage.

It was time to finally hold up her end of the alliance. She would dominate Icup in battle and make him look like a fool. She would bring glory to Queen Vivienne and Azalea.

Azalean soldiers were already set up along the border to ensure Metarkon could advance no further, but it would take some time for Natalia and the rest of her army to make their way there. It was of the upmost importance that she left as soon as possible.

To join her in battle, Natalia had brought along roughly five thousand of her soldiers when she first arrived in Azalea, plus those Vivienne was supplying her for the war. The rest of Gladoria's army had already been given word of the invasion and were currently making their way to the border to meet up with the Azaleans.

Natalia went hastily to her chambers and shoved all her belongings in her bags without care, calling for a servant to ready her horse and another to prepare her men. She turned at the sound of footsteps behind her to see that Vivienne had followed her.

Neither of them spoke as Natalia set down the last of her bags. She looked into Vivienne's eyes, now shining and sad, filled with worry. Although they both knew this day was coming, neither had expected saying goodbye to be so difficult. Natalia felt the butterflies in her stomach as she realized she was not the only one who had gotten attached.

She went up to Vivienne, wrapping her wife in a delicate embrace and speaking to her as gently as she could muster.

"I have encountered many fine warriors in battle, all of them far greater than the likes of King Icup." She said. I will be alright.

"I am renowned the best warrior in the land. With my protection, Azalea need not fear. Everything will work out, my darling." She continued. I will never let anything bad happen to you or your kingdom.

"I will win the war for Azalea and return home to you." She said. I love you.

Vivienne kissed her on the cheek, Natalia could not help but flush.

"Do you promise?" She asked.

"Yes, I promise." Natalia replied.

"I will look after the both of our kingdoms while you are away. I know we discussed my travels to Gladoria, when we drew up our terms.." Vivienne said.

"Yes. They will love you, they already do." Said Natalia, caressing her cheek.

The clock chimed six times, signaling that the evening had set in.

"I must be off soon if I want to make it to the border by sunrise." Said Natalia.

"I know," said Vivienne, "I wish you the best of luck, but I trust that you won't need it."

Natalia smiled. "I promise to write to you as often as possible, and I swear that you will be on my mind always."

Vivienne nodded, giving Natalia a final kiss on the cheek before they separated from their embrace.

"It is time," Natalia said, "I will return to you when I win the war."

Vivienne did not speak as Natalia exited the room, willing herself not to look back, for that would only increase the aching in her heart.

Natalia eventually came upon the palace grounds, where all of her soldiers were already lined up, and mounted her horse. She was glad Vivienne had not accompanied her outside to see her off.

Natalia gave the command for her men to begin marching. As they walked, she spared a look back, watching solemnly as the Azalean palace faded slowly into the distance.

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