Chapter 5: A Royal Meeting

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Queen Vivienne watched from her throne as the servants decorated the interior walls of the palace, stringing the ceilings with colorful banners and lights. Ivy strewn with flowers weaved around gleaming marble pillars. Azaleas, being the kingdom's national flower and namesake, were also spread all around. Joyful petals of various pinks left everything bursting with color.

The floors and walls had been cleaned and dusted so throughly they nearly sparkled. The beautifully ornate palace looked even more fantastic than usual. Queen Vivienne herself was done up in her most luxurious dress, pink and patterned with flowers. Her blonde hair was loose down her back, azaleas weaved intricately throughout. Her makeup was done to absolute perfection. All in all, her appearance had taken many hours.

All of this was in preparation for Natalia's arrival, which would be very soon. It was of the upmost importance that everything looked wonderful. It had to be fit for a royal meeting. Decorations had been left to the last minute, as the public was still not aware of the engagement.

Vivienne thought it was best that she and Natalia formally announced their engagement together. She believed the people would be more receptive to it that way. However, in hard times like this, celebrations were rare. Vivienne doubted the public would be upset by their announcement. Azalea would be happy to finally have some good news, a reason to celebrate.

The reality of the situation was just beginning to set in for Vivienne. In just a few days, she would be married! Married to a woman she would be meeting for the first time today. Although she did not regret her decision to accept Natalia's proposal, firmly believing it was the right thing to do, it still filled her with nervous excitement.

She was hesitant, but looking forward to meeting her soon-to-be fiancée. Natalia had been perfectly cordial in her letters, if not a little reserved. Vivienne chose to believe she was marrying a woman who would make a fine wife, a respectful partner who would treat her well. Natalia certainly did not seem to be ill-mannered like some seemed to think she was.

Vivienne had begun to hear the blaring of trumpets outside, signaling that Natalia had arrived. She jolted up, feeling the urge to get off her throne and pace around excitedly, but suppressed the feeling and kept her eyes on the large doors in front of her, where Natalia would be entering any moment now.

The sound of the band drew nearer as the servants prepared to open the doors. Heavy cranking sounded as they began to force the doors open, trumpeters and the royal entourage began spilling into the room. Vivienne watched as piles of people entered the room, searching for the face of the woman she would marry. The end of the procession was entering the palace now.

Brown, expressive eyes met hers for the first time. There she was. Queen Natalia of Gladoria in all her glory. A sharp jaw with high cheekbones, bold eyebrows and thick, dark hair. She was dressed in velvet robes of purple and garnet, the colors of Gladoria, and with a crown of Azaleas on her head. Vivienne must have flushed at the consideration. Natalia was wearing Azalean fashion for their first meeting.

She looked like a proper queen, regal and poised. It was impossible to look at her, such a stunning woman, and see a bloodthirsty warrior who crushed her opponents on the battlefield. She smiled now, as she made eye contact with Vivienne. Everyone in the room parted like the Red Sea as she made her way up to the throne where Queen Vivienne sat.

"My lady," Natalia murmured, taking Vivienne's hand and kissing it. "Your portrait cannot do you justice enough. You are.. absolutely stunning."

Queen Vivienne was proud to say she kept her composure, simply standing up to curtsy and smiling at Natalia. "Thank you kindly," she said. "I could say the same to you. You look splendid."

If Vivienne's words seemed feeble in comparison, Natalia did not appear bothered in the slightest. Smiling wider, she retook Vivienne's hand and pressed it softly to her lips, kissing it again.

"My lady," she said, her dark eyes meeting Vivienne's again, "I believe we have a lot to discuss."

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