6. am i bothering you?

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It was finally Friday! Lisbon Viotto was extremely excited for the race, and she hoped and prayed that all her friends would do good. That was a really hard thing to hope for when you were friends with a lot of people on the grid. Not everyone could get a podium position.

She woke up and it was about 10:40 in the morning. She had slept in. She didn't think she would make it to the morning practice anymore, she couldn't get ready, and make it over there by 11:30.

Lisbon felt bad because she really wanted to go, but she just wouldn't be able to make it in time to watch the free practices. She would go anyways, and just meet up with Logan afterwards. Maybe Oscar too.
Lisbon did not want to be bothersome. As she chose her outfit, as she tied her hair, as she brushed her teeth, she hoped that she had not been too much in such little time she had spent with Oscar. She hoped she hadn't bothered him.

She honestly really liked him. They had a mishap in Monza, they knew that. But they apologized, and they moved on. It felt healthy. It felt good. The last relationship that Lisbon was in was not as easygoing as this one. Maybe that was because this wasn't a real relationship.

She kept forgetting that. Lisbon wanted that to be an irrelevant factor, but deep down, she didn't like that they weren't in a relationship. but she would barely even internally acknowledge that.

She knew that you had to dress nice when you were going to watch the races. You would be photographed, you would be scrutinized, but even on Friday? She didn't know. She dressed casually, especially because she planned on barely being there at all, since she would be somewhat late, you know?

The drivers had to come back later, so she figured if she dressed too casually, she could overcompensate later on. Who even cared that much? Oscar wouldn't, Logan wouldn't. Neither would any of the "real ones," as Lisbon likes to say.

Lisbon wore her hair in braids and a white tank top matched with white shorts.


She got an uber to the track, and it was honestly really expensive. She could afford it, but 90 dollars for like, a 40 minute drive? Good god.

With her pass, she got in with no problem, and she could say it was a first, went to the McLaren Garage instead of Ferrari's or Williams'.

When she entered, she didn't feel uncomfortable, but it wasn't the most inviting environment? Of course there were people who treated her right, but there were also people who gave her little looks here and there. Maybe it was her association with Ferrari or Williams, or maybe they just didn't like her.

Whatever, what did they mean to her? Here she was supporting her friend, "boyfriend" technically, and she was getting nasty looks? No thank you!

When Oscar's first Free Practice was over, he did not expect to see Lisbon there waiting for him. He thought she looked beautiful. He tried to play it cool though, and not go directly to her. He got himself situated after being in the car, took his helmet off, and then went to go talk to Lisbon.

"Hey," he said, slightly sweaty. Lisbon thought it looked good on him.

"Hi! Sorry I couldn't come with you to the practice, but I just completely slept through my alarms, I made it though!" She said with a small smile.

"No for sure, I'm glad you got here when you got here, I wouldn't want to rush you," he said, "Can you give me like 3 minutes to go change out of this? We can go do something, go get something to drink or something like that?"

"Oh that sounds really nice, I'm down for that. Can we bring Logan?" Lisbon asked the boy going into a room to change into something far more casual.

"Yeah, sounds good. Meet you outside!" He said closing the door.

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