11 • wedding

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Due to tradition you were dressed at your family estate and then transported by litter , men carrying the small hut and transported you to your wedding. It was however a longer journey than you expected, you didn't dare look outside either as you feared doing so would bring bad luck.

Once arriving you were transported to a room to finish any preparations.

"Is the queen here? She said she would come." You asked Ms Kim as she did your hair.

"Don't worry, she's definitely here." Ms Kim smiled

"Good. I'm so excited. It's finally happening." You smiled. Your sisters and Ms Kim just looked at you happily.

"The last Park to get married." Jihu said. "You're all grown up." She started to tear up.

"I'll go get father." Hayun said, leaving you with a crying Jihu. She soon returned.

"Why are you dressed like that?" You asked noticing your father's neatest court clothes.

"We're at the palace of course I'm dressed like this." He replied, not concerned.

"The palace?" You asked picking up on a key part of his sentence. He went quiet, very clearly not intending on revealing that.

"You asked for an arranged marriage-"

"You're marrying me to Seongnam?!"

"Y/n." He sighed "I didn't have much choice."

"It could have been anyone but him. Anybody. And I would have been happy." You said getting up. Unknown to you though, the groom had no clue you were his bride. "I can't believe you lied to me."

"Well technically I didn't lie as he is wealthy, very handsome and tall." He said trying to defend himself. You just glared at him, not in the mood.

You walked out to start the ceremony. Although you father ruined the surprise he was not early enough for you to escape this. Due to the traditional clothing Seongnam would not see your face until later into the ceremony. You both went through with it and when the sheet was finally removed and your face was clear to him he looked at you shocked.

He had multiple reasons to be shocked. One, you were his bride. Two, you were his bride when you were meant to be marrying another guy. Three, your glare that shot right into him. It was very clear you were not happy nor aware of this arrangement.

After all the ceremonies were complete the two of you were left in your new room. This was so the marriage could be consummated. Seongnam kept a gaze on you but you didn't want to even look at him. After some time you just couldn't be in there anymore and got up to go.

"Y/n don't leave. Not yet anyway." He said causing you to stop and wait for him to continue.

"If you think we are doing anything tonight , you are very mistaken." You asserted.

"I don't blame you, I'm as shocked as you. But don't leave." He tried to plead with you.

"No. Either you get out or I will."

"Do you know what will happen if I leave you here?"

"I don't care. Get out. Now. If you ever think I will spend the night with you, you are greatly mistaken."

"I'm trying to help you out. Do you think I want to spend the night with you?" You didn't realise he had gotten up and approached you. He tried to place his hand on your shoulder but you turned around.

"GET OUT!!" You shouted at him. Hitting his chest. He sighed, feeling defeat and left the room. You fell to your knees. You just wanted to cry but before a tear escaped your eyes you noticed the bottles of alcohol on the table by the bed. Quickly grabbing one and drinking it full of the passion you were about to put into your tears.

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