15 • Yejun

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"Where am I?" You asked confused, a piece of fabric tied around your head and covering your eyes. You could hear a muffled conversation signalling there is more than one person in this room. There was no response even after a while. "Excuse me? Will you be able to answer my question?" You asked trying to be polite , as you didn't want your kidnappers to hate you.

"Ugh she's up." You heard being muttered and then footsteps. You felt the hand of this person forcibly grab your arm and you couldn't help but feel it was familiar. You did see Uiseong earlier however there's no way he would go this far...would he? "All you fucking do is demand shit. I should have let you starve to death." He said whilst he dragged you across the floor. That's when you knew it was Uiseong although you hoped it wasn't. You were in pain from the friction of the floor. And your side hurt even more when he threw you into the cabinet, hitting your side. You groaned from the pain. "Shut up!" He said slapping you.

"Prince! Be careful, this is the crown princess and the daughter of the kingdoms most powerful family and not even your father can defend you against the Parks." The other voice said, you weren't familiar with his voice however you couldn't help but feel the two had a strong bond.

"You took me in broad daylight, they will know I'm gone sooner than you think." You obviously couldn't see what was happening but heard some heavy footsteps towards you and then a sudden stop.

"I told you to behave yourself!"

"But she's pissing me off! You said if we do this we can get rid of that idiot Seongnam and I can become king!"

"Well then you need to stop acting rashly." You just listened as they argued making you second guess your initial thought. They were very clearly only working together because they benefited each other not because they had a strong bond. "The play will go ahead tonight, it has to now that this has happened." The man you didn't recognise said as if Uiseong wasn't meant to go this far today. "I'll leave you now but make sure she's safe, after all she's the only way for you to gain the publics trust." The man left, leaving you and Uiseong.

Hours passed. You just sat there.

"Prince... I know it's you so please just take this blind fold off." He did as you asked. Not very happy about it but he moved away and sat leaning against the opposite wall. The two of you just stared at each other.

"I hate you more than anything. You stole everything from me! Everything!" He started. Glaring at you.

"You hate me? I don't think you do... because if you did I would be dead by now."

"Don't tempt me."

"I'm not tempting you. You kidnapped me to get at Seongnam? I'm right, I know I am." He just stayed silent. Glaring at you. "Well sucks to be you, he doesn't care about me. It's an act-"

"I saw you in the garden."

"The garden is a public area, Ofcourse we are going to act all lovey dovey." You said trying your hardest to make him believe you. You were lying Ofcourse.

"So what? He'll come."

"Or that friend of yours tricked you so you wouldn't screw up the plan tonight. Do you even know what their plan is?" You question and you knew as soon as his eyes moved from yours you had successfully planted the seed of doubt in his mind. Now you just needed to help it grow. "I mean I wouldn't involve you either...after all your short temper just ruins things for you."

"You're tricking me, I'm not stupid."

"Ha, says the guy whose job tonight is watching over a tied up girl whilst the others I presume are taking over the throne. You've been played and even I can see it." His jaw tightened. "Watch as you get left with nothing. You'll become just like Yi Ik-hyeon..." you paused as Uiseong gave you a confused look. "You know who Yi Ik-hyeon is right? The son of the deposed empress and your mother's secret lover." That last sentence set a fire inside of Uiseong, as if the seed had become a tree and you just dowsed in gasoline. Watching as he set him self on fire. "I'm not the one who needs you here." With that Uiseong shot up and ran out the room.

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