21 • little park

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The next morning you woke up seeing a wiped out Seongnam next to you, it was clear he was having a very good nights sleep. You kissed his forehead as you got out of bed and headed to your room's doors.

"Please can you bring both mine and the crown prince's breakfast when it is time. He is still asleep, so no rush." You said to your court lady before closing the door. Once closing the door you went back to your bed, sitting next to your sleeping husband.

"Seongnam." You whispered softly , it gained nothing. So you fiddled with his hair and spoke louder, which spurred some movement but not enough to wake him. "Seongnam!" You shouted , giving up on being a kind and sweet wife. He woke up but very clearly wished he got 5 more minutes.

"What's- why did you shout?" He asked confused, rubbing his eye. You kissed his cheek. Which made him smile.

"Breakfast should arrive soon but I wanted to talk to you first about our plans." He sat up to show he was listening. "Let consort Hwang take the fall, show the evidence to your father and finally rid the palace of the Hwangs once and for all."

"Whoa I guess you have been thinking about this." He replied as he tried to wrap his head around it all. "But my father won't exile his son-"

"That's the best part, we can finally get revenge on Uiseong. He isn't the Kings son. Request a blood paternity test like they did to you before , make sure I am present though. I want to see his face when his secret is revealed." You smiled.

"Haha I have a pretty evil wife." Seongnam joked hugging you.

"Not evil, I prefer the term smart." You corrected him with a smile.

"Of course , of course. But what about the Queen dowager?"

"You surely know we have nothing against her to show your father. She's not as easy especially as she has eyes and ears everywhere." You shared.

"She's a long-term threat. Not even my mother has been able to beat her as of yet... but we can do so." He said confidently. "This means we need to start making changes in the palace. What were you thinking?"

"I think we should get some new staff , I can trust my brother and Ms Kim but the others not so much. We can either test them or replace them."

"Your brother basically does Ms Kim's job , correct?"

"Well if you put it simply then yes-"

"Your brother can be my new advisor, that means he comes everywhere with me and replaces my eunuch." Seongnam said. "That way we both have people we can trust, closest to us."

"That's a good idea. This means our part of the palace is free of her influence." You smiled.

"It can't just end there though, we need to get our own network of spies." He pointed out.

"That's where ladies in waiting come in to play, I know for a fact your father's wives court ladies like to chat." Seongnam was quite shocked by this. "Come on we are women, Ofcourse we like to gossip. It's not always negative."

"We can't just stop at that though, we need to do something else."

"It will take time, maybe even years." You shared

"The time isn't the problem , we need to catch her where she's vulnerable." He seemed very determined.

"You're very passionate about this, I'm glad." You said slightly happy Seongnam wanted to act on what had happened.

"Y/n, she killed my daughter. Trust me, I feel the exact same way you do although I didn't react the way you did...I thought the same thoughts."  You were going to reply but Ms Kim walked in with your breakfast. Placing it down, she stopped before leaving the room. You both looked at her to see her smiling.

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