14 • wanted

546 33 3

You and Seongnam were woken up early after the King released a search warrant for Physician Kwon. The King wanted him either dead or alive, he didn't care because the results would be the same. From this news Seongnam had to leave early to go and visit his mother, leaving you alone for the morning.

Ms Kim sat beside you as you ate your breakfast. Watching you carefully.

"Are you not hungry?" She asked as you picked at your food.

"Not really... I'm concerned if anything. There's a wanted man somewhere in the palace." You sighed looking at your lady in waiting.

"Don't worry, this is the safest place to be. Your quarters are heavily guarded so we can even do some gardening like we originally planned for the day." Ms Kim smiled, trying to ease your mind as well as distract you. You nodded liking the idea of planting some flowers.

As the day went on and it got brighter outside you and your court ladies began planting some flowers.

"Your highness, this will become the prettiest place in the whole palace." One of your court ladies awed as she helped plant some flowers.

"It will be in the history books as one of the prettiest places in Korea." Another smiled as she organised the seeds.

"You two need to concentrate, the crown prince is also going to be prideful over this so the job must be done properly!"

"Yes Ms Kim." The two younger court ladies said in unison as Ms Kim lectured them, you laughed along the sidelines finding the situation all too familiar.

"Oh Crown Princess, when you have a child will you plant more flowers?" Of the court ladies asked.

"Maybe, I was hoping the garden to be full and beautiful by the time that event comes. But we will have to wait and see." You smiled.

"It's nearly lunch time, your highness. We will go and get your food, wait her and we will be back shortly." Ms Kim said , heading off with the two court ladies.

You sat patiently, not too bothered as this was a regular occurrence when food was prepared. Well it normally was however the appearance of a certain prince wasn't.

"Y/n." You looked up as the prince spoke your name. Confused about his presence. "Come with me."

"What-" you couldn't even protest before you were dragged away.

A few minutes later the court ladies returned with food. But paused seeing you had disappeared.

"Ms Kim! The crown princess isn't here."

"What are you going on about?!" Ms Kim asked as she walked over seeing that you were gone as well. They all started the panic because you wouldn't have just run off. "One of you go to the crown prince and inform him immediately, do not let the queen or the Queen dowager hear of this. This must stay between the three of us and the crown prince. If anyone asks to see her we will say she is sick and sleeping and no one can enter." Ms Kim said , one of the court ladies running off to find the crown prince whilst the other stayed by your room door. Ms Kim went on her own little mission.

"The court lady ran to the crown prince, however just to the luck of her he was in a class.

"I must see the crown prince." She announced to eunuch, he was hesitant. "It's to do with the crown princess." After hearing that the eunuch opened the doors. Letting the court lady run in.

"What's happening?" He asked confused. The court lady ran over to him and whispered into his ear so only he could hear.

"The crown princess has vanished, we went to get her breakfast but she had disappeared in that time. She however never left the room from the door." Seongnam physically went red with anger hearing. He stood up.

"I must apologise but this meeting will have to continue another time." Seongnam said bowing before he went to leave.

"Crown Prince this is improper and you cannot leave half way!" One of the ministers in the meeting announced, trying to demand the crown Prince sat back down.

"We will reschedule the meeting and I'll see you all another time. I'm not doing anything improper, there is a concern I must attend to." Seongnam said before walking off, not wanting to hear another word. He and the court lady ran over to your quarters, quickly meeting the other court lady and entering. They looked around but nothing was clear, that was until Seongnam noticed one of your cabinets looking odd. He pushed it to the side angrily, finding a hole. He bent down to look into it, noticing it went to far back and leading outside. Out of anger he punched the floor. His hand bleeding from the force.

"Who knows about this?" He turned to the court ladies.

"Uhm only us two and Ms Kim." They replied nervous not only because they lost the crown princess but because of how visually pissed the crown prince was.

"Where's Ms Kim?" Seongnam questioned surprisingly calm.

"She uh said she had to go to someone." One of the court ladies said. "She told us to tell no one except you." She continued.

"Good, this stays between us. I have a feeling I know where she is. If anyone asks the crown princess left the palace to meet her sister." He said . "Clean this up, and don't let anyone into the room." He left , heading straight to the guilty party.

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