19 • storm

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The Queen was right. It was a stormy and cold night , not perfect weather for anyone. You had just put Mihi to sleep and you rushed over to your room , hoping to cuddle up into your own sheets just like your daughter was doing. You never realised you'd be so envious of a baby.

Despite the high winds and the cold weather you drifted off to sleep quite well. Maybe it was the soothing warm tea you drank earlier that helped, honestly you didn't care you were just glad to sleep.

You got woken up by the doors opening, you looked over to see Seongnam creep in and get into bed next to you.

"Did I wake you?"

"Don't worry, I'll fall back asleep soon." You whispered already drifting back into slumber. The two of you drifted off to sleep that was until you were alarmed and shocked out of bed.


Running, shouting and screaming clear from everyone around. Then you heard the baby cries. You both looked at each other quickly getting out of bed and running outside.

The nursery was on fire. Guards were trying to get water but the wells were frozen due to the weather.

"Mihi is in there!" You shouted to a guard.

"Crown princess please we are trying-" you pushed passed the guard trying to get into the burning nursery. Seongnam holding you and pulling you back.

"Get off me!" You cried , hitting his arms to try and escape his hold. He pulled you back causing your legs to kick in the air. "Get off!!!" Tears began to fall down your cheeks.

Seongnam tried his hardest to keep you from entering the burning building although the fact his daughter was in there was physically making him weak. Although the fact itself was soul crushing what got to Seongnam the most was Mihi was awake, he could hear her blood curdling screams despite being meters away. And as much as he wanted to run in there and get his little girl he had to stop you. He couldn't lose you too.

"Y/n." He said soothingly "please...stop it please."

"But Mihi..." you let out looking at him, you were a mess.

The guards continued to beat at the frozen water, in hopes it was only the top that was frozen but it wasn't an easy task. The flames consuming more and more of the building whilst everyone watched , worried, scared and frightened. In the time it took for them to finally get water the King and Queen had arrived. The burning building just becoming ash after a gallons of water was chucked on the building.

However the baby's cry had stopped and it had stopped before the first drop of water touched the flames.

You fell to the floor as Yejun and Seongnam ran over the nursery, in the rubble they had hoped to find Mihi safe . Your white undergarments were stained with the mud on the floor, your hand gripping onto it in a way to let out your pain. In your crying you looked over to see an all too familiar face and you knew in that second you wanted them dead. You didn't need evidence or truth , your daughter died because of them. Because of Consort Hwang. And you were about to show her that really did exist.

You banged your fist on the floor, it getting bloody from the hits causing Seongnam to run over.

"Y/n! Are you okay, please tell me you're okay." He asked holding you as you cried beneath him.

"She's dead...Mihi is gone..." you cried. "Someone did this!" You turned to him.

"What?" He asked shocked

"The fire was safe, I checked it before I went to bed. Someone murdered her Seongnam! This was murder!"

"Y/n why would anyone do that?"

"They're out for my family! It's the Hwangs! I know it, she was here! I saw her!" You let out pointing to where you had just seen her so disgustingly smirk as the flames reflected in her eyes.

"She was here?!" He let out annoyed.

"She killed our daughter!"

"Y/n we can't jump to conclusions, let's get you inside and we can talk about this later."

"Later?! Do you think I can sleep after this?! I heard my daughter cry whilst the flames took over her! I watched helplessly as someone could have rescued her in the time we waited for the water! I will not let whoever is responsible for this free. I will make sure they too die in flames!" You whisper shouted to Seongnam as you tightly gripped onto him. The two of you looking into each others eyes. He had forgotten this side to you, so used to the happy Y/n that he forgot the anger you also had. Ms Kim ran over trying to help you up.

"Crown princess let's get you inside-"

"No, get off of me!" You practically hit her away.

"Y/n-" Seongnam now tried to get you inside.

"Don't you dare." You stopped him knowing he was about to try and pick you up and carry you into your room. But as you were so focused on your husband you didn't realise your brother had approached and in one swift moment you were off the floor and heading inside. You hit at his back so you could get down but it was no use. As you were being taken inside you heard the King make orders for guards to find any bit of evidence that they could.

Once inside he placed you down and as a reward for his actions he was giving a strong slap to the face. "Why did you do that?! My daughter has just died I don't need to be inside!"

"Y/n calm down, this is all the adrenaline from the shock talking. You need to calm down." He said very clearly hurt but trying to keep the strong big brother act up.

"CALM DOWN?!" You practically screamed at him. "GET OUT!!!" Yujun just looked at you for a second, he tried to keep his emotions in but seeing his little sister so clearly hurt was hurting him, he decided to leave because he didn't want to see you like this.

A few minutes later Seongnam came in. He tried to be calm. Moving to sit next to you, just as your brother had said the adrenaline had left your system, leaving you confused as you tried to wrap your head around everything.

Seongnam didn't say anything, he just softly took your hand in his and began treating the wounds from you punching the ground. Not a sound could be heard inside the room. You both just sat there. You moved out of your daze, looking at your husband closely. It was so clear he wanted to react like you did but he tried so hard to keep it in. You slowly lifted your hand, softly cupping his cheek as he leaned into the gesture.

"React. I haven't seen you react in so long." You said softly , honestly forgetting the last time he let out his anger like he always used to. He just moved his head to lean more into your gesture, putting weight on your hand.

"They all think it's murder..." he finally said. "Who would want to hurt such an innocent child? Someone who only brought smiles to people's faces, someone who brought people so much joy? Why did she need to be hurt? I would take her place. She was so young and innocent Y/n, what did I do wrong for such a punishment to be given to my little girl?" He began crying into your hand. Seeing him get like this just made you get emotional again, you pulled him into an embrace hugging him. He felt comforted by this , leaning his head into your shoulder.

"We will find out who did this, no matter how long it takes. And as I said before I will make sure they too die in flames." You said as your anger started to rise up again but as you focused on your husband it disappeared. He needed you now, revenge could wait until tomorrow. The two of you held onto each other, trying to comfort each other as the cold air from outside filled your room.

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