16 • pregnant

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Weeks passed and life went back to normal, however your brother was now around and was being extra protective of you. Seongnam wasn't a fan of his presence, he felt as if your family didn't trust him to look after you and that's why your brother was around. You had told him it's not that , multiple times. But it was difficult for him to shake.

You were in your courtyard , your ladies in waiting helping you as you looked after the flowers.

"Are you sure you should be doing this your highness? You've admitted to not feeling too well lately." One of your ladies said, watching over you as you tried to plant some new seeds.

"It's relaxing, do not worry. Plus I don't want my brother or the crown prince worrying because I'm sure it will pass." You said calmly as you continued your task.

"At least take a break, Ms Kim will return shortly with your brother and they'll be upset if you're doing all the work." She urged. You let out a calm sigh.

"Alright, get some snacks and some tea prepared and when you return I'll take a break." You said finding a solution to please both of you.

"Snacks? You're getting quite hungry at the moment, would you like me to request your meal sizes get bigger."

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure it's just because I'm not sleeping very well." You excused it. Not stressed over your health as it just felt like a stomach bug.

"Okay, but let me know if you need anything." She said before walking off to get your snacks and tea. You stayed crouched down as you began checking on your other flowers. The court yard to yours and Seongnams quarters now the prettiest in the palace, showing bright colours that gave the palace life. Seongnam wasn't overly bothered over the flowers but he was happy that you had a hobby rather than being cooped up inside all day.

Soon your lady in waiting returned. Just as agreed you took a break and sat at the table whilst she poured you a drink.

"The weather is getting hotter, it's nice to see the sun so bright." She commented, smiling at the bright weather.

"I just hope it doesn't get too hot, I don't want to be stuck inside." You commented hoping this was the peak of the summer sun. Ms Kim and your brother soon arrived , coming straight to meet you. Yujun taking a seat across from you.

"How has your day been little sister?"

"Fun, the garden is improving but once it's finished I'll need to pick up a new hobby."

"Maybe embroidery?" He suggested, pouring himself some tea.

"I don't have to decide just yet." You relaxed into your chair.

"You've been looking pale recently, have you been eating and drinking properly?" He asked , you just let out a sigh.

"I'm already on my third snack today and I had all my breakfast and lunch meals. What's more worrying is how much I'm eating." You replied, closing your eyes as you let the sun hit your face.

"Could you possibly be pregnant? Eating that much isn't normal for you."

"What makes you think that means I'm pregnant?"

"Your highness you did bring it up a few months ago." Ms Kim mentioned behind you.

"Oh you did?" Yujun was a little shocked by this.

"Well it was just a question, you all know how much time Seongnam stays in my room." You admitted trying not to make a big deal.

"Ms Kim can you do the tests?" Yujun asked , very clearly wanting to keep the test and whatever results between only the four of you.

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