4. Amahle

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Many things are going through my head the moment Hazel leaves my apartment and I'm still sitting comfortably on the sofa in my robe. My eyes shift in the seat where she was sitting just minutes ago.

I can't believe I brought a 22 year old girl to my penthouse. What was I thinking? I wasn't, or couldn't have been, especially when I could see how nervous she was.

I enjoyed her company and I liked the way her eyes on my body made me feel. It's wrong and guilt tickles the hairs on the back of my neck but I can't help but be intrigued by her.

For a while, I sit and sip quietly. When my glass is empty, I clean our glasses and let my thoughts lead me into the best part about this apartment, the sauna.

When there's too much on my mind, I sit for hours until I'm too exhausted to fight my sleep any more. Once in my younger days, I enjoyed when Patrick was affectionate in bed. I can count on one hand how many times I've actually enjoyed going out with him but somehow, I always end up repulsed by him one way or another.

Yes, I love my husband. I've learned how to do so. But I don't feel anything towards him.

I cuddle with a long body pillow in bed and close my eyes. Curiosity and guilt squish me together like an ice cream sandwich, ready to tuck me in for the night.

Hazel occupies my thoughts until I finally drift off.

I sleep in until seven the next morning, waking with a bit of excitement traveling through my body. Nothing about Hazel tells me she's a morning person so I know I have quite some time to get myself ready.

So I spend my morning doing yoga before taking a long steam shower, where I massage the kinks in my neck from sleeping uncomfortably next to Patrick.

I sigh and close my eyes as the water beats down on my face.

Thirty minutes later, I take my time oiling every inch of my skin before I end up looking around the walk in closet for something simple to wear.

I put on a white Nike sweat suit because the January weather has my body feeling like I'm cold twenty four seven. It's my first time wearing this but I like the way it feels against my skin.

I'm in the middle of making breakfast when there's a buzz from the elevator that catches me by surprise. With curiosity creeping down my spine with ease, I glide towards the elevator.

"Got a visitor, miss."

"Name?" I question as a smile begins to form on my lips.

"Hazel Montgomery."

"Very well, send her." I say and then take a step back, this time not able to stop myself from smiling.

My stomach turns anxiously and then the elevator doors open and she steps out a moment later. The first thing I want to do when I see her and the Lilo and Stitch hoody she's wearing is hug her and tell her how adorable she looks. Her braids are in a well put together bun that makes me want to get braids myself.

"Hi." She blushes when I've been staring too long.

"Hello, Hazel. I wasn't expecting you so early."

"I couldn't sleep much last night so I was awake. Or I'd be still sleeping right now."

Suddenly I remember the food on the stove, so I lead us into the kitchen where she leans against the island with her eyes trained on the chocolate fountain.

I smile and flip the sausage in the pan.

"You enjoy chocolate, I see."

"It's so yummy." She says in a childlike voice that makes something deep inside of me yearn for her.

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