9. Hazel

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Going to work after eating lunch with Amahle makes the rest of my day drag by so slowly, the only thing that passes time is thinking about her and the fact she kissed me! More than once, she kissed me!

I've never felt lips so beautifully soft and now that I have, it's all can think about. That and the list Amahle asked me to get started on after work. So I think about what to put down first as I stand behind the counter making coffees and handing out food.

Going back to my research and our previous conversation about BDSM relationships, I think about what's really important to me in a relationship and right away I know physical intimacy is number one.

"Um, excuse me? You got my order wrong." I look up at a blonde girl about my age as she slides a latte that I didn't make across the counter.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. What was it you ordered? I'll fix that up for you right now."

"Caramel latte, extra caramel and I wanted whipped cream, right along with your number." She smiles and shows off deep dimples that I didn't notice before.

I realize then that she's flirting with me and suddenly I get uncomfortable enough to laugh nervously.

"Aww, I didn't mean to make you shy, just thought you're cute." Her words make me smile as I prepare the whipped cream on top of her drink. When I go to hand it to her, my eyes fall over the light pink sweater she has on and then the freckles spread across her rosy cheeks.

"Well thank you, here's your latte-"

"Celeste and what's your name?" She grins cheekily at me.

"Hazel." I say, looking behind her at the line forming. She doesn't get the hint that I'm busy so I rub the back of my neck uncomfortably and watch as she tries to flirt with me.

"I've seen you around here before a couple of times."

"Well I do work here." I laugh off the nerves starting to make me really uncomfortable as her big green eyes look me up and down for the fourth time since interrupting my thoughts of Amahle.

"Can I buy you a drink some time?"

"I don't drink."

"Take you out to eat then?"

"Uh...sure, okay."

"I'll leave you my number and you can call me when you're ready, Hazel." Celeste scribbles her number on her receipt and then hands it to me before she blows a confident kiss and walks off with a pep in her step.

I have no intentions of calling her as I stuff the paper in my back pocket. When I look back up at the long line of customers waiting, I sigh and push my thoughts to the back of my head.

I can't wait to get off.

Six hours later, with sore feet and a sour mood, I'm finally off work and ready to go home. Usually on nights like tonight when I'm tired from a busy day, I sit and draw for a while before going home.

But I want to get to my apartment and get started on my list because Amahle told me that it would make her happy and she's waiting on me to finish so she can make our agreement. I still can't believe she wants me the way she does and that thought brings a blush to my cheeks.

Since Amahle and I cleaned up the apartment, it's spotless when I get home. That makes me think about her and start missing her really bad. I've always been clingy no matter how hard I try not to be. Most people don't like it, including myself.

After feeding Skittles, I kick my shoes off and walk grumpily towards the shower. I don't spend long in there because my feet hurt but it gives me enough time to think on my list.

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