10. Amahle

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There are a few things on my list of things to do before I have time to see Hazel again, a trip with Patrick to New York being one of them. It completely slipped my mind with me being so wrapped up into the newness of Hazel, so when Patrick came to me full of excitement with tickets to his favorite place in the world, the Metropolitan Opera House, I felt guilty for not remembering our anniversary.

Every year, Patrick takes me to Manhattan with pure intentions of spoiling me and just like every time we fly on the private jet together, I'm grateful to be able to be in a position to do so.
This year is different though, I am 100% distracted.

I can not get myself to free Hazel from my thoughts, even after we arrive in New York and go to a nice candle lit dinner after spending hours at the Opera House. The most that I can pay attention to is Patrick's phone as it rings repetitively over the course of our dinner, not how nicely he cleaned up with his freshly pressed Giorgio Armani gray and purple suit.

"Honey, you should answer the phone. It seems to be an important call."

"Yes, a call that can wait until I've had dinner with my wife." He smiles sweetly so I drop the subject rather easily.

"Very well." I nod and smile lightly.

Quickly, my thoughts wrap around the idea of taking Hazel to a dinner similar to a nice restaurant like Marea, where I've gotten used to being wined and dined over the years.

I wonder how she would do in a "fancy schmancy" place such as this one. Will she want me to order for her? Or will she be too shy to eat anything other than chicken nuggets or pizza? That thought makes me smile as I can't recall myself ever ordering either of the two meals here.

"Are you alright, dear?" Patrick asks as he reaches out to touch my hand. Shaking my head, I retract my arm once our skin touches and reminds me of the situation at hand.

A romantic dinner with my husband.

"Oh, yes. I'm sorry I am a bit distracted this evening."

"With what? Maybe I can help with something." He offers and grins while taking a sip from the beer standing tall in front of him.

Despite knowing his health issues, Patrick refuses not to drink beer. As I've told him numerous times before, it will be his demise one day but he doesn't seem to mind.

"Well, I've been going over the blueprints for the downtown lofts and I'm just not sold on anything that I've come up with yet."

"Have you considered hiring outside help?" He questions and then takes a bigger swig.

I run my sweaty hands over the long navy blue dress hugging my body and nod even though that isn't the truth. Hiring someone to do something I am very well capable of doing myself isn't how I got to be where I am now. But I know voicing that will lead us towards a conversation I'd rather not have right now in a room full of other successful couples silently judging everyone around.

"I can email you a few people that I know are qualified, if you'd like my assistance."

"Very well, thank you. I'm sure I can handle this one on my own though, if that is alright with you."

"Of course. Just let me know if I can help in any way."

Dinners with Patrick are always mundane. There hasn't been one that I have truly enjoyed that didn't include investing in some kind of way. I've learned to play the part of a successful, beautiful wife to him but my goodness, I never realized how boring it is until now.

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