5. Hazel

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I've never met a woman like Amahle before. She's so perfect and built like what I'd imagine the goddess of love to be shaped like. I could have been done drawing her hours ago, but I couldn't get her thinking I'm a little out of my mind to focus.

I have so many questions but don't know which one to ask first.

It's eight pm when I pack my things up and get ready to leave. Even though I really don't want to, Amahle got an important work call a little while ago so I felt it was best to excuse myself.

     "Wait, where are you going?" She asks as I walk towards the elevator awkwardly.



     "Well I thought you were busy so I was just gonna go."

     "Without a proper goodbye?" Her eyebrows raise together before she pushes her lips into a scowl.

     "Well..." I rub the back of my neck. "I guess so."

Amahle crosses her arm and frowns. My stomach quivers when she steps closer to me.

"That won't do. Hand me your phone."

I hand over my phone as if under a spell. The smile on my face grows when she reaches out a few seconds later and places it in my palm.

     "Let me know when you've made it home safely. And be a doll and do your research."

     "Okay. I will." I say and expect to turn and get on the elevator. But I surprise us both when I open my arms for a hug.

When she hesitantly wraps me into a brief embrace, it's enough for me to feel touched by an angel. I know my face is red when she laughs and steps away. She always finds it funny when she makes me blush but I can't help it.

     "Go on." She nods toward the elevator with a smile that makes me feel fuzzy.

Amahle's driver, Edward, takes me straight home and waits until I'm inside my apartment building before driving off. It makes me smile, feeling safe that way.

But then I remember the silence that comes with being home and I frown. I miss Amahle already and I know it's way too soon. But I really like her and her earlier question about BDSM has been on my mind ever since she asked it.

Remembering to text her that I made it safely, I pull out my phone and send a quick text to the newest contact in my phone. I place it on the counter and then hum to myself quietly as I fill Skittles food and water bowl.

Sometimes, I forget to feed her and clean out the litter box but tonight, I remember so I deserve a treat. I open the freezer and dance happily when I see one last bag of dinosaur chicken nuggets, my favorite!

After preheating the oven, I turn the TV on and start to scroll through Netflix when my phone vibrates loudly.

I like when you're a good girl, thank you for listening and letting me know you made it.

             🫣😳😳🫣...I really like when u call me that🫠

Noticing her contact name, butterflies emerge from their hiding spot in my belly. Straight forward, wow. I'm so intrigued, my fingers type another message on their own.

            Ur contact name is straight to the point. Can I assume u want me to call u that?😅

Do your research. We'll talk soon

I pout and toss my phone to the side, which is why it's cracked as bad as it is now. Before I go into my room to search for my laptop, I put my nuggets in the oven.

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