11. Hazel

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It's going on five full days since I've seen Amahle and it's really making me sad. I know we haven't known each other for two weeks but the way I crave her presence doesn't feel like that. My heart feels like it's beating for Amahle in a way it's never done before with anyone. I can't explain it, all I know is I want to see her again and I'm willing to throw a fit about it.

I'm walking home from work in a bad mood. It doesn't bother me being out so late like it normally would, that's how annoyed I am that another day of work passed and Amahle didn't come in to see me.

I don't even know why I'm so upset, I just am. Maybe I miss her attention being on me. Or maybe I hate the fact she's married. It's probably both those things and more, I'm just focused on the ones that hurt the most at the moment.

As I near my apartment building, right away Amahle's black Jeep stands out, parked in the street, right in front of the entrance of my apartment building.

My stomach flutters nervously. I have to pop my knuckles to stop myself from smiling as I continue walking home.

The back window rolls down as I get closer to the run down path leading up to the big metal doors keeping the winter air outside. I approach the Jeep with folded arms and a tiny, itty bitty grin on my face.
    "Hi, Kitten." She greets me with a happy smile and immediately my attitude evaporates and covers every inch of my skin in shivers.
     "Hi." I can't help how shy she makes me with her eyes on me in a matter of seconds. My cheeks heat up when I watch the way she takes me in, stopping at the long braids hanging all down my back now that I took out my work ponytail, down to my holy work jeans and back up to my rosy red cheeks.
     "I suppose I should have waited for you to call me back." She bites down on her bottom lip and then says. "I wanted to see you, maybe take you to get something to eat in case you didn't eat at work."

I smile and rock back and forth on my heels. As bad as I wanted to see her again, now that Amahle is right in front of me, I feel so shy, I can barely form a word.
    "If you'd rather stay home, very well. I just wanted to see you." She says again, making me smile just as big as it did the first time those words left her mouth.

Amahle wanted to see me just like I wanted to see her! I can't stop smiling right now.

    "I really wanted to see you again." I blurt out, making her shoulders relax as her lips curve up into a flirty smirk.

    "Good, I was hoping so. Now, how does dinner sound? I know it's late but I could eat."

My stomach tingles with that familiar funny feeling like I'm on a rollercoaster instead of standing outside of Amahle's Jeep. The wind blows a hard chill into the air.

Amahle's watching me so hard, I wouldn't be surprised if she could see my nipples harden underneath the black hoody I'm wearing. She clears her throat and then shakes her head knowingly.

    "Unless you have to feed Skittles for the night, get in and get out of the cold. I'd like to hold you."

Ugh, I forgot I have to feed Skittles. Dang it, I just wanted to get inside the warm truck and snuggle up to Amahle. I know she's as warm as her smile is.

    "I'll be right back." I say and turn around quickly.

It doesn't take me long to get Skittles situated. In less than five minutes, I clean out the litterbox, lay out fresh water and food, and then I turn on a movie just in case she gets bored and misses me while I'm gone. Then I run back outside and I'm in the back of Amahle's Jeep in the blink of an eye.

Only then do I realize I didn't change out of my work clothes and I probably stink.

   "Come." Amahle commands softly while holding out her arms with a gentle smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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