7. Hazel

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Amahle put me to sleep! She freaking put me to sleep, without my pacifier too!

When I wake up, I'm alone on the couch and the fireplace is the only thing keeping me company. I rub my eyes sleepily and reach for my phone on the coffee table.


I must have been asleep for hours! I sit up and yawn, still amazed that I'm in this beautiful penthouse. Slowly and groggily, I make my way to the kitchen and frown when I don't see Amahle.

     "Amahle?" I call out softly while trying to force the sleep out of my eyes. I'm so sleepy and that was the best sleep I got in a really long time.

     "In here, Angel." I hear her sweet, melodic voice and follow it deeper into the penthouse. I've never been past the living room so I take my time looking around the unique details of luxury before I come to a room to my left where she sits behind a really big brown desk.

Now, it's so easy to tell what she does for a living with everything spread out. There's a computer and Mac book on the desk next to several sheets of sketches. When my eyes fall on the tall book shelves around the room, my mouth drops. Then I notice the amount of books, magazines, thesaurus's, encyclopedias and notebooks on full display.

     "Come to me." Amahle opens her arms for me and pushes herself back in the big comfortable looking chair. I do so willingly with a smile.

I'm surprised into silence when she sits me in her lap so easily like I weigh nothing. My heart starts beating funny when she gazes in my eyes and doesn't say a word.

     "Hi." I squeak out shyly, trying to hide my hot cheeks from her.

     "How did you sleep?" She asks and strokes my cheek, leaving me speechless. "I have food being delivered so I may cook you dinner before you go home tonight."

I've never had someone like Amahle before, who wants to feed and touch me without me asking for it. Is that the mommy domme in her? I don't know how to handle it.

     "I uh-"

Amahle removes her hand and I pout. I can still feel her delicate fingers on my chin even as she spins us around in the chair before she points down below at the traffic jam and snow flurries falling.

     "The roads will be bad soon." She changes the subject like she knows my brain won't form a complete sentence. When another minute of silence passes, I sigh and nuzzle into her neck.

I tell myself to enjoy her affection while I have it because I don't know how long that will be until she realizes she doesn't want this, whatever it is, with me. She brings her arm up and rubs my back in the most comforting way I could have imagined.

"What is wrong?"

     "I um...just want to enjoy this before you realize you don't really want it." I expected her to get upset and pull away the same way my last girlfriend, Ellie, used to do when I couldn't stop myself from overthinking. Instead, she pulls me gently by the chin so that I can see how flawless she is up close. I almost lean in and kiss her and I don't know why.

     "I have not changed my mind, not even a little bit. Thank you for telling me what is on your mind, Angel but I assure you, I want you just as I did before you slept like a comfy koala." She grins and makes my tummy do a giant flop.

I open my mouth but nothing comes out. That was the last thing I thought that she would say. So I don't know how to respond. When I can't come up with what to say, Amahle giggles and plants a soft chaste kiss on my forehead that leaves me blushing so bad.

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