Chapter 6 - Pearl Harbor Interception

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On the morning of the fourth day at G11, the port authority of Cartalpas was in extreme turmoil.

In the end, Mirishial's persuasion failed due to running out of time. Apart from the landlocked Kingdom of Emor, the delegation escorts were deployed to confront the Gra Valkan fleet. Still, Emor sent 22 Wind Dragon riders to join the battle. The JMSDF's Escort Flotilla 0 was also among them. The result of the all-night deliberation by the National Security Council (NSC) in Japan was sent as orders in the early morning.

- The Cabinet, based on individual self-defense rights, approved the use of force against the Gra Valkas Empire.

- Escort Flotilla 0 should deal with the expected attacks from the Gra Valkan fleet under the current legal system with minimal damage.

- Cooperate, to the extent possible, with countries that have received a declaration of war, like Japan, and minimize the damage to allied countries.

- Inflict as much damage as possible on the Gra Valkan fleet and deprive them of the will to continue the war.

- As long as Escort Flotilla 0 complies with the instructions and the current legal system, the Cabinet will take responsibility for the results.

The officers of Escort Flotilla 0 were dumbfounded when they read this. It was like being handed a thousand-yen bill and being told to buy a gold bar. There was no way that Gra Valkas would give up continuing the war even if they got their nose bloodied in Cartalpas. Gra Valkas' goal this time is clearly propaganda. It's a move to shape future diplomacy in their favor, and even if it fails, it won't be a blow big enough to abandon the war goals. Moreover, being told to cooperate with countries that have received a declaration of war is futile when they know nothing about each other. When they were in the old world, the SDF spent time in joint exercises with the US military because it was necessary. Without going that far, effective cooperation on the battlefield is impossible.

'Maybe Japan won too easily.'

Samejima thought to himself. Recently, there has been a noticeable tone in Japan like "SDF FTW" or "Japan STRONK." Are the people thinking they can easily win a war? He doesn't want it to be true, but does the Cabinet also believe they can win easily?

The ability to win without casualties in the Louria Incident or the Japanese-Parpaldian War was due to the necessary preparation and luck. But what about this time? A makeshift escort flotilla, an operation made in half a day. Moreover, the technology gap with the enemy is at most 70 years. The difference in military strength is unclear, but at worst, they might have to deal with both an aircraft carrier task force and a surface gunnery force simultaneously. Submarines might also be in play. They might be overwhelmed by numbers that flipped the technology gap.

And they're burdened with the baggage called the World United Forces. Impressive name, but warships from those civilization area countries are not effective military assets. Even among the great powers, Mu would likely be unable to stand a chance. It's uncertain for Mirishial, but considering that the 0th Magic Fleet lost in the Magdola Archipelago, they cannot be relied upon.

"I don't want to send my subordinates to Yasukuni," Samejima blurted.

"I agree."

The fleet staff responded not long after that. Samejima glanced around, but there was no sign of unease among his subordinates.

Ah, I see. It's natural that the subordinates are more composed than him, who returned from the ATLA. Once he realized that, Samejima's tension eased.

"Well, let's get started then," Samejima declared to his subordinates.

. . .

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