Chapter 7 - Titan of the Dawn

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The arriving dawn was about to banish the sleepless night at the Doiva Base. Yesterday, time had run out at sunset, but the enemy was expected to come and occupy the base. In preparation for that, repairs to the base and the laying of mines along the coastline were carried out throughout the night. These tasks were performed in darkness, as turning on lights could make them targets for naval artillery. As dawn approached, the soldiers at Doiva Base were on edge and exhausted to the extreme, as if the timing had been calculated, a merciless morning call came.

. . .

The sleepless night was shared on Mirishial's side. On the bridge of the fleet flagship Scathia, Lettal drank countless cups of tea. The launch of carrier aircraft was already complete, and as soon as the spotter plane arrived over Doiva Base, preparations for naval artillery bombardment were set. Landing craft were also unloaded from transport ships, and the boarding of soldiers at sea had begun. It was like the morning commute rush in the capital, Runepolis... If only it were really like that, how much better it would have been. Some of them would die today.

Lettal's stomach ached. It was probably not just because of the tea. Somewhat surprised that such sensitivity remained within him, Lettal exchanged final greetings with the visitor.


"May you stay robust as well, Admiral."

Given that Gunner, who led the night battle force, had just been killed in action, these responses went beyond mere formality. Douglas, commander of the Mirishial Army's detachment which landed on Irnetia Island, returned the salute and headed for the landing craft.

Just as he left the bridge, a communications operator reported new information.

"The air group reports that they are engaging enemy fighters over the Doiva Base. Bombing is risky, but observation for artillery accuracy seems feasible."

Lettal nodded and issued an order.

"Commence bombardment."

The main turrets of the Scathia, Sedrick, and Gallahan rotated, adjusting the elevation of the gun barrels. Then, they fired blue light and shells into the still-dark night sky. The of the Airtooth, which should have joined them, was absent. Both the Sedrick and Gallahan were in need of repairs, but the work was interrupted to prioritize naval artillery bombardment.

. . .

The Gra Valkan soldiers lay prone at the bottom of trenches at the beachhead, waiting for the shockwaves of naval artillery to pass overhead. The explosions passed over the trenches, bringing with them showers of earth and debris. As time seemed to stretch into eternity, and the fear of being buried alive by the debris began to set in, the naval artillery finally ceased.

Soldiers cautiously raised their faces, and against the backdrop of the rising sun on the eastern horizon, they saw several dark spots. The commander, realizing that these dark spots were approaching boats heading for the coastline, shouted orders.

"Enemy attack! Immediately take up defensive positions!"

The soldiers spurred by this command checked the equipment nearby and aimed them toward the coastline.

Soon after, shallow-draft boats that were designed to ride up on the sandy beach surged onto the shore one after another. The defenders executed a plan to attack the enemy's first wave as it landed on the beach with artillery support, aiming to eliminate them before they reached the defensive trenches. Soldiers disembarked one by one from the boats. However, among the soldiers, an unusual figure rose from the boats.

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