Chapter 8 - Creeping Ones

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"Wait, are we going back to the original state?"

Honda from ATLA's Aeronautical Equipment Research Institute was surprised by the director's words.

"Yes, that's right. Convert all the BP-3Cs back to P-3Cs."

Honda remembered the time when all the P-3Cs converted to BP-3Cs. For a moment, he wondered what the struggle was all about back then.

"It's a formal request from the Maritime Self-Defense Force. It seems that there's been an increase in incidents of unidentified submarines appearing in the sea lanes with Mu, particularly east of Altaras Island. While covering the entire 20.000 kilometers is impossible, they at least want to secure safety east of Altaras. It seems there is a shortage of patrol planes for that purpose. If that can be achieved, the burden on the escort fleet will be lightened."

"Unidentified submarines... that's Gra Valkas, right?"

"Officially, they are considered unidentified. Politically, they want to keep that part in a gray area."

"Huh... What about the T-4s' modification?"

"Of course, continue with that as well."

The burden on the escort flotilla is indeed a problem. However, doesn't anyone worry about his well-being? Within the ATLA, it has been said repeatedly that someone will eventually die from overwork, and it seems like it might be him. While thinking about such ominous things, Honda, in the typical Japanese way, devoted himself to his duties.


"This is Yamut 10, hostile radar contact, engage, engage!"

"This is Yamut 11, same here."

Listening to the transmission from the trainees, Mineis banked the Yamut to the right and began descending. Kessler, the wingman, followed without any communication. Both planes, adding gravity acceleration to the engine thrust, attacked the trainee's Yamut at a speed exceeding the catalog's maximum.


The trainee's Yamut tried to evade by spreading out left and right, but Mineis and Kessler simultaneously pressed the triggers. Tracer rounds were launched from the rocket pods of the two aircraft, flying to surround the trainee's aircraft.

"This is Ainank Tower, Yamut 10 and 11 have been shot down. Over."

Complaints from the trainees came through the radio.

"This is Yamut 1. When are you guys going to learn energy fighting? The era of repeating turns on the verge of stalling is over!"

The complaints ceased.

"Training concluded. Ainank Tower, we're returning."

"Ainank Tower understood. Yamut 1 and 2, use the west runway."

"Yamut 1, approaching the west runway."

"Read-back confirmed. Have a safe landing."

As the training ended, Mineis let out a light sigh.

"You're one tough instructor," Kessler teased him.

"It's for their sake. They're supposed to be deployed in actual combat with only half of our training time."

"Is it that serious? Is Mu that dangerous to require a training cycle like that?"

"They seem optimistic. They believe that anyone piloting the Yamut can defeat the Antares."

"Naaaah. It's not a Gundam or anything."

"Gundam? What's that?"

"I see, you're not interested in Japanese anime. Gundam is..."

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