Chapter 4 - Aluminum Storm

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The sky over the capital, Otaheit, is a cloudless clear day. The deep blue sky extended all the way to the space. Dunk (TAC name), the leader of the Blue Impulse formation, had been gazing at the sky for a while by the runway at Ainank Airport, but he returned to the briefing room.

"Dunk, what are the results of the weather checks?" Deputy squadron leader Gary inquired. The Blue Impulse adjusted its performance based on the weather conditions of the day.

"It's a perfect Class 1. We'll proceed with the planned performance."

The pilots, holding their helmets, headed towards the tarmac. If it were a demonstration at the base or a military post, the performance would begin from the process of taking the aircraft out of the hangar and boarding. However, since the ceremony venue is away from the airport, that part is omitted.

. . .

The King's Birthday Festival took place near the royal palace, in the largest square in Otaheit, the Founding Memorial Square.

First, the public is invited to attend the ceremony, where King La Mu will give a few words to the people. Following that, the ceremony begins, and the Blue Impulse performance takes place at the beginning, with the intention of doing so amid the attention of the largest number of citizens. The unit commander, Colonel Hamanaka, was introduced and stood on the stage.

"I may not be in a position to represent the nation of Japan, but as an individual, I extend my congratulations to His Majesty the King."

King La Mu raised his right hand and responded graciously.

"Now, please look to the eastern sky."

As if on cue, the unfamiliar droning of the engine roared for the citizens of Mu. Then, six T-4s appeared. The six planes executed intricate maneuvers, trailing smoke. In no time, the white emblem of Mu was drawn on the azure sky.

"From the Blue Impulse, a greeting to His Majesty the King and all the citizens of Mu."

Thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

La Mu called the chief chamberlain who was standing nearby. The chief chamberlain called the Air Force commander.

"Excellent. We don't have the luxury now, but I wish our country had a squadron like that," La Mu addressed the Air Force commander.

"Yes, exactly as you say," Your Majesty.

"Could the Marins do that?"

The Air Force commander, facing the question he most feared, experienced a sensation as if his stomach was being clenched.

"With the selection of skilled pilots and adequate training, it should be possible."

"I see."

. . .

"The next maneuver is the most basic four-point roll. Please pay attention to the fifth plane entering from the east."

Plane Number 5 approached the airspace above the venue at a low altitude with a speed of 400 knots. Along the way, the aircraft tilted 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 degrees, and finally completed one rotation before exiting the airspace above the venue.

The king asked again, "Could the Marins do that?"

"I believe it's possible, as mentioned earlier."

"I see."

There's a likelihood of an accident before they become capable of such maneuvers. The Air Force commander thought so, but he didn't voice it. If the probability isn't zero, it's not impossible.

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