Chapter 16 - Fall of Valkyries

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Flashback for a moment.

Information about the air raid on Leiforia had also reached the Valkyries Base.

"Darn it, those Muish bastards! So this is their payback for the assault on Otaheit!?" cursed Gaoggel, the army officer who also serves as the base commander.

"Send all Antares except those on patrol to Leiforia."

Following the order, the few remaining Antares from the air raid on Otaheit took to the sky in Leiforia's direction.

. . .

'It's time.'

Major Tsuge was listening to the sirens blaring in the distance, waiting for orders.

"SH Command to Rabbit. Situation 1-3, Rover."

The long-awaited order came. Tsuge immediately responded.

"This is Rabbit, Situation 1-3, Ranger."

Tsuge signaled to his team with hand signs. Each member followed pre-assigned tasks, directing laser beams at bombing targets.

. . .

By the Prime Minister's instruction, the Ministry of Defense had secretly increased the production of equipment capable of precision-guided bombing. That was the LJDAM (the predecessor of the ASM-2X). LJDAM is a kit that converts unguided bombs into guided (smart) bombs. It adds terminal guidance capability to JDAM, which guides using GPS, through a laser beam. In the new world where GPS was not yet available, the option of laser guidance was essential.

However, to guide with laser beams, the laser must be illuminated on the bombing target. In the Gulf War, laser illumination was done from aircraft, but in this operation, the F-2 fighter jets conducted bombings from high altitudes, making it impossible. Therefore, the GSDF units infiltrated around the Valkyries Base to perform illumination from the ground. But this was an extremely difficult and dangerous mission. Hence, the time had come for the Special Operations Group, formed to handle such special missions.

. . .

"Airspace 2, all clear."

"Acknowledged, heading towards Airspace 3."

Stabal, a member of the Gra Valkas Empire's Leiforian Garrison 22nd Army Air Wing, finished the mission of patrolling the second airspace and was heading towards the third airspace. To ensure nothing was overlooked, they conducted patrols in a three-aircraft formation. He noticed that the Antares fighters were taking off one after another from the runway.

"This is the 22nd Air Wing. I see fighters scrambling. What's happening?"

"Leiforia is under air raid. Since there aren't enough fighters, we're sending support aircraft from the Valkyries Base here."

"What about us?"

"Just continue your patrol flight."


Right after that, his two wingmen exploded.

"What's happening!?"

Stabal instinctively banked away. Trying to escape from some unknown threat, he followed his instincts. However, the AAM-4 didn't let him escape.

. . .

"This is Ruby 1, enemy patrol annihilated," reported First Lieutenant Makita piloting the F-15J Kai.

"Understood. Continue to patrol and maintain air superiority."

"Roger. Ruby Squadron will continue patrolling to maintain air superiority."

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