Chapter 15 - Leiforia, Nightmare Again

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Mineis was leading a squadron of 10 Yamuts in flight.

"This is the Alpha Leader. Our enemy is the Antares. We have no chance against them with scissor maneuvers. Focus on energy fighting with vertical maneuvers for a decisive hit-and-run."


Almost simultaneously with the response, contacts appeared on the radar.

"Radar contact! 12 enemy units, engage!"

The Alpha squadron split into two. One climbed, converting kinetic energy into potential energy. The other matched the enemy's altitude, descending slightly. Facing each other were 5 units and 12 enemy riders. Neither side attempted to change course, resembling a game of chicken. The 5 planes fired rocket missiles and evaded simultaneously. However, none hit. The enemy riders maneuvered to flank the 5 evading Yamuts.


Mineis led 5 units in rapid descent, attacking the enemy riders in a horizontal motion. At a lethal range, they launched their rockets.

"What the!?"

The enemy riders decelerated and ascended rapidly. The rockets missed, and Mineis' flight ended up in front of the enemy riders.

"This is 7. Alpha Leader, providing support."

Yamut Unit 7 positioned itself behind the enemy rider chasing Mineis.

"Stop, it's a trap!"

Mineis went full throttle, and with a roar from the twin F3 engines, accelerated. He escaped the pursuing enemy rider, but Unit 7 was shot down by another enemy rider attacking from below.

. . .

"Attention all units, this is Ainank Tower, training complete. Return to the airport."

Following the control tower's instructions, the 10 Yamuto returned to Ainank Airport.

. . .

"It's been a while since my partner and I broke a sweat. It wasn't bad at all. If the opponent had been a real Antares, we might not have won."

Wuji was in a good mood after the 10-0 victory. However, Mineis and his crew who were defeated didn't share the sentiment. They were still inexperienced with the Yamut. However, that was not a comfort. The Gra Valkan military didn't go easy on rookies just because they were rookies. They saluted each other, and the interspecies combat training was dismissed.

"That was tough. It seems Emor being a major power is no joke," Kessler said jokingly but with a strained tone.

"We'll bring them down before the Operation Super Hammer."

Mineis vowed to himself with bloodshot eyes.


Escort Flotilla 1 and Mirishial's 1st Magic Fleet departed from Otaheit and circumnavigated the southern Mu Continent to head towards the Baltica Sea.

"Here are the latest satellite photos, sir."

Rear Admiral Nagumo, a man troubled by being often mistaken for a descendant of a famous admiral from the Pacific War due to his name, received the printed photos.

"It seems the only enemy presence around the Mu Continent is the fleet to the north."

"The enemy doesn't seem eager for a fleet showdown," the Chief of Staff replied. "After this, we might be in for a drawn-out game of whack-a-mole."

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