A last chance

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Karna opens his eyes in horror. He seems to be falling down on eternity, one hands reaching out, mouth wide open. But wait! He is having a vison . It is a Swayamvar and many are present. He draws out an arrow and aim at a maiden, lost, as someone in white cloths cast her behind him. And another one in which the same maiden looking at him with tears in her eyes, a look so broken his soul sank deeper, a look that troubles him so much.


Karna opens his eyes, trying to breath hard.

"Surya Dev?" Karna asks as he joins his hands, trying to gasp the situation.

"Wake up, Son. Wake up"

Surya Dev commands as he looks away and continues, "Today, the world lost Maharathi Karna. But I lost a son."

Karna suddenly remembers everything. Then he sees a woman crying with her face on her palm.

"Draupadi!" He says, looking as pale as today.

Surya Dev looks back and says in an angry tone, "You died. You were insulted. AGAIN AND AGAIN. The woman who raised you is crying, your birth mother is crying, your brothers are crying, your friends are crying, Vassudev Krishna is crying. Your father is standing in front of you, unable to bear the pain. But all you see is her?" Surya Dev turns back angryly. "Yet you were unable to do anything to get with her even when you knew her heart. Why?"

Karna still stares in horror.

Surya Dev, "Son, everyday you come to me and you pray for everyone's welfare. Just not for one. You keep it in your heart. But I am a father. I stood there silently as I watch my son suffer his whole life as it is not my Dharma to interfere in the play of Lord Narayan. And today the Trilok has granted you a boon for all my penance by letting me talk to you and guide you this time. But its, not only mine, everyone who is mourning, most of them are innocent. And in order to heal the wounds mother Earth is suffering today, Trilok and Devtas has decided to give lives a chance."

"You just died, but Draupadi? She's been dying a little everyday since the day of her Swayavam, yet whenever she tries to overcome, something else happens, and yet she cries for only two reasons. One that she should not have given birth for she fears her sons will be called bastards but todays she mourns their death too, and second? Your Death. Thousands of women are crying, Gandhari is crying, Kunti is crying. What have they done? They have been asking for another chance." Surya Dev continues.

"Do you also want this chance?" Surya Dev ask.
"If You don't, I will use my boon from Bramha as to not make you a part of it"

"Yes" Karna says, not loudly.

"But it will be painful. You will go through everything again. Your mind won't remember but your heart will. Pain is inevitable. Do you really want to go through that again?"

"Yes. I want a chance to change everything. Karna says. All his life he was not sure if she love him, now he is sure. He regretted losing her his whole life, he thought she will be happy when he dies for he have humiliated her, but she's mourning him. He will be long gone but if he doesn't take this chance, she will suffer for decades more.

"We cannot change people but we will give one chance. Your life would be restarted from the day your that you treasure the most. But every step, is a chance to change the faith of Mahayudh. So go on, Son. Wake up and may you be true to your heart and follow Dharma. And this time, live happily with your love.


Karna opens his eyes and jumps up from his bed.


He beaths out trying so understand what happened. He can't remember what happened but he feels uneasy. He realise he is in Hastinapur and get ready for the day.

He completed his prayers and start getting ready to go out. Duryodhan has asked him to go somewhere. As he gets out of his house Duryodhan comes in.

"Areh! Why the simple attire? Where's your crowns and Jewels?" Dhuryodhan ask

Karna: Why crown? We are just going out right?

Duryodhan: No my friend! We are going to Panchal. Maharaj Drupad has organised a Swayamvar for his daughter who was born as a maiden a year ago. The Swayamvar will be in a month from now but MamaShree Shakuni thinks we should go there now and get to know Panchal a little bit.

Karna comes up and says, "Then I don't need to get more ready, I am sure I wasn't invited. I will roam around in Panchal while you are in the Palace."

"What are you talking about? they surely invited you" Duryodhan said.

"But still how can I go participate if you want to participate?" Karna says.

Duryodhan let out a sigh and says, "This loyalty of yours, even Gods must be jealous. I also didn't want to participate, I just want to marry Bhanumati but MamaShree thinks its better to have an alliance with Panchal. so, here I am."

Karna grabs his crown and says, " then lets go friend" and then he picks up his bow and arrow. He feels like he'll need it.

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