What needs to happen, will happen

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When he was about to release the arrow, a voice interrupts. 

"WAIT" everyone looks at a young bramhin coming up. "I should get a chance before AngaRaj Karna." The young Bramhin looks at me with a smile. His smiles says 'I am here.'

My brother walks up to him and asks, "Who are you bramhin? How can you stop a royal swayamvar?" 

"I am Pandu's 3rd son Rajkumar Arjun." The young bramhin says. The crowd is in denial. "But he died in the forest." Yuvraj Rukmi exclaimed. 

Rajkumar Arjun folds his hand in front of my father and brother. The he looks at Krishna and smiles folding his hands again. Just then four more Bramhin comes up and folds their hand. Realisation hits me and my eyes becomes watery. PANDAVS! My heart feels heavy and guilt creep inside me for not noticing them before. As Yuvraj Yudhistir explains to my father how they escape and decided to stay in the forest for some months. 

"Kaka Vidur tolds us you wanted my presence here, he told me you want me to try it first and win the swayamvar. So here I am." Arjun says and fold his hands again. 

'KARNA' I swiftly look at him. He is still holding the bow. Anger fills his face. 
"But you cannot just interrupt someone like that Rajkumar Arjun." He says clenching his jaw.

Arjun turns to him and replies, "I couldn't come in before because other contestants are either older than me or higher in position. But Anga is under Hastinapur, so I should get the chance first anyway. But I'll do what Maharaj Drupad decides." Arjun says proudly, does he know my father that well?

My father got up and talks softly with my brother. 
"Anga Raj, Please keep the bow dow." My brother says apologetically. 

"But I already picked up the bow. And I am older than him, moreover, I am a king. Why should I keep down the bow?" Karna ask in rage. 

"But my father was a king Anga Raj, I am of pure royal lineage, I am the descendants of the moon, Emperor Bharat's blood." Rajkumar Arjun replies fast and firm.
And my father agrees with him. The words I gulped down suppressing my fear came out of Rajkumar Arjun. And I knew instantly that even if there was a hope of alliance between them, its no more now. 

I can see everything can't control anything. My mind fails to understand what my heart is feeling. I am still in a dilemma. Karna looks at me. He wants me to say something. But my mouth is glued. I can feel the warm tears rolling down my face. Karna keeps the bow in place and sits on his sit. His friends seems to be consoling him. 

Rajkumar Arjun goes up to bow. But I don't look at him anymore. 

I dont look if he hit the eye of the fish. I only look at Karna. And his face says we lost, again.

I can hear my brother saying since Rajkumar Arjun won the swayamvar, my varmala belongs to him.

I cannot understand anything, I only remember Krishna's saying 'whatever needs to be happen, will happen'. Some Kings started protesting that it was unfair. Duryodhan complains to Balram that we have insulted them but Krishna says, "We are a guest of Maharaj Drupad, we have to be on his side." Arjun comes up to me casually, as if he has done this before. He smiles at me, a familiar smile. When he said, "Won't you wear me your varmala Panchali?" I felt like I should obey, as if he was asking back for something that was already his.

"SAVDHAN" Karna's voice echoes. He stand with his bow on his hand as Duryodhan passes him an arrow. My brother rushes in front of me and Arjun says, "Panchali is under my protection now Yuvraj."
I started feeling week, my legs gives up. All these new yet familiar faces. I think I am falling. 

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