Long Time No See

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I feel restless. Tomorrow is the Rajasuya, me, my husbands, Krishna and matashree were checking last minute details.

"All the guests have arrived and everything is set. We just have to wake up very early tomorrow." Yudhisthir says.
"Then you all should go back to your chamber and sleep." Matashree says.

Krishna stops everyone from leaving. "Don't forget the most important thing. Tomorrow you cannot touch your weapons, no matter what."

"No matter what? There are many Kings who doesn't like us also, they had to come because they had no choice. What if they create a commotion?" Arjun ask Krishna.

"An Emperor doesn't just needs to be undefeatable. He should have patience, he should know what's worthy of fighting. You can't tell me a commotion is good enough reason to start fighting or picking up your weapon. You have to decide what is important and what is not. If anyone in the court tomorrow pick up their weapon for simple matters, then the ceremony will be incomplete. Jyesth bhratashree cannot become an emperor. And you have to tell all your guest about it. The ones from Hastinapur also." Krishna explains.

Not understood, Arjun speaks again, "But, what if someone else does? How will we defend?"

"That's upto bhrata Yudhisthir, parth. He has to decide carefully which matter is important. He has to think carefully if a matter is worthy of risking. But if you are not at fault, then the ceremony will still be completed even if you pick up your weapons." Krishna tells.

Yudhisthir put wil hand on Arjun's shoulder, "Lets just pray that nothing will happen tomorrow where we need to pick up our weapons. Let's rest now."

They all head towards their chambers while I am freaking out. Am I really capable of becoming an empress? I could not add my stress when they are already stress so I decided to not say anything.
"Sakhi, come. I will walk you to your chamber." Krishna says.

"Why are you so stress?" He asks.

"Govind, am I really capable of being an empress? Am I doing right? Should Devika be the empress? What if I cause more issues?"

"You are born to be an empress." He says. "I even think Jysth bhrata can become emperor because you are his queen."

"I don't even have a child yet, and I don't see having one anytime soon, Govind. What if I can't give them an heir? I know they have other children but.." before I could finish my sentence, he stops me.

"You are thinking too much, Sakhi.  I know why you are feeling that but trust me and hold on a little longer. you will get your answer. And don't worry about having children, even ma Parvati made his son out of mud, you will get yours at the right time."

I just silently listen.

"Can I tell you a secret, Sakhi? But you can't say anything to anyone."

Wondering what it is that he wants to share with me, "Sure tell me."

"Tomorrow one of my cousin is going to come here, I promised his mom that I will forgive his 100 sins, but I am going to give him 1 more and make it 101. He has 5 left."

Surprise to hear it I say, "Why?"

"Making him do one more sin might prevent a lot of sins in the future, we don't sit thinking I will do this or that but one action leads to consequences, one step opens up a lot of possibilities. Giving him one more chance will open a lot of eyes, will save a lot of time. But Sakhi, I need you to be strong tomorrow. No matter what happens, just observe. Tell Maharaj Drupad also to have patience tomorrow. Just tomorrow. It might prevent a lot in the future."

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