Who's Wedding is Next?

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Its been a month to my wedding but me and my husbands are taking it slow. Given our unusual situation of a marriage, we have decided to get comfortable with each other. We often sit in Yudhistir's chamber and talk a lot. They all sure are great warrior but they make me laugh a lot too. I sometimes wish things can stay like this forever. I wonder who I will be more capable with, who will be my comfort, whom I will care for the most or whose word I will listen to the most. Arjun out of nowhere once told me that he knew he would marry me, that we are destine to be together so we will always be the closest, that time I thought maybe he is right. After all he is the one who is answering my unasked question. But what if, what if I was the wife of only one maharathi?

One afternoon, we were all sitting together, planning about our trip to Khandaprasth, Jyest mata Gandhari visited Yudhistir's chamber and said she can't wait for her grandson, that I should not make her wait too long to become a grandmother. None of us could say anything for we have not quite figured out how we will maintain the marriage. Rishi Vyed Vyas did show us a way, which is quite acceptable to me. I would be the wife of one of the brother for a year for each of them. During those time, the others shouldn't entre my chamber, if they do, the one who breaks the rule has to live in the forest for a year. I also got a boon to regain my virginity with a special ritual.

Jyest Gandhari's word made Arjun uncomfortable, not as much as me but more than the other bothers. Everyone in the room sensed the tension and mata Kunti was quick to take Jyest mata Gandhari out for a walk in the. They asked me to join and I simply obliged. When jyest mata Gandhari went in to take off her heavy jewellery for the walk, mata Kunti confesses to me, "I knew I was not being fair to you of Arjun. But if only he had married you, then the other four would be jealous of him. And their unity would break. To live in this world, they need their unity the most and you are the string that ties them together." 
She's been confessing a lot to me lately but I don't appreciate all her confession. I have a lot of questions for her but cannot ask them.

Three of us walk in the palace garden, my mother-in-laws talk with each other. Malini talks with my in-laws' lady-in-waiting. And I realise its time for my walk in the abandoned part of the palace. It has become my favorite part of the day. I see him there everyday but we don't talk every time. Malini has become very strict after the incident the other day but with only 2 days remaining to leave for Khandaprasth, I could not miss a day. 

"Draupadi, take us where its peaceful to take walk, all these soldiers are very loude." Jyest mata Gandhari orders me. So I take my mother-in-laws to the place where I go every evening to get a glimpse of a man my husbands hate.
"Mata Shree, don't you feel the warmth of sun but also cool breeze at the same time?" I ask them. Yes, I actually this part of the chamber. "The excitement of your voice says its very beautiful, I don't need to see it." Jyest Mata says, she's always very gentle. Just then I see him coming out of a room with Duryodhaan, Dusassan and Bhrataa Ashwathama. 


As bad is it that Duryodhaan, Dusassan and Aswathama came at the time she usually comes, she is here along with her in-laws. I usually pretend not to see her even though I wait the whole day for her to come. I usually look at her when she's not looking. But today I have to go near her again to greet them. 

"Feels like I have never been here? Have we Kunti?" Ask the blindfolded queen. 
"No jiji. Its our first time." 
Draupadi stands behind them.

"What is this place? its very quiet." 
"This is the chamber I had them made for Radheya, mata. It will soon be completed." Duryodhaan tells his mother.

"Well it seems my daughter-in-law Draupadi likes the place a lot. Putra Karna, you wouldn't mind if she wants this for herself when she visits me?" Maharani Gandhari says. 
"Obviously not Maharani." I replied. If she wants she get keep Anga too for herself, I thought to myself. 

Dusassan interrupts, "Matashree, don't give away everything to bhabhishree yet, Bhratashree Duryodhaan is also planning to attend a swayamvar."

"Really? Whose?" Their mother asks. 
"Anyone's who invites him." Aswathama says casually. 

I can hear Draupadi giggling but couldn't look at her with all of them here. 

"You all should get married soon. You too Karna, you should marry soon." Maharani Gandhari says in a serious tone. 

I look at Draupadi for a second, she's not giggling anymore. 

When they leave, Duryodhaan ask me, "Does she comes here everyday?"
I try to be casual, "I see her sometimes."

"We will invite her to your wedding also." He says. 

For unknown reason I feel like I should tell Duryodhaan how I feel about Draupadi soon. After all he tells me everything.

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