Long May You Reign

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When we reached the palace it was almost time for dinner. The past days Pandavs, Duryodhaan, Dusassan and me have been eating together. I don't know what happened but it seems they are also all angry at their mother so Shahdev often eats with her while the rest of the brothers doesn't. Yudhisthir seems to take more care for Draupadi. He often keeps sending the maid to see if she has eaten. He says, "I have more responsibility for her. She's not just my wife but my queen too."

"I have also given up. With Arjun eating his meal with handful of salt and bhratashree's care for her, it will be too complicated if I don't back out." Bheem says.

"That is what I am saying." Nakul agrees with him.

"But if she choose me then I will be happy, I just know she won't. She must be stress herself. That's why Arjun, stop putting salt in. You are putting more pressure on her." Bheem tries to explain but Arjun just keeps eating.

I just silently listen to everything. I don't want to backout now but everything is still new. We just got to know we are brothers a week ago so I will give sometime to think and see what I can do.

One thing I have noticed is while Arjun does all this big talks and grand expression to show his love, Yudhisthir seems to be very patient with her. Nakul and Shahdev are more like friends to her now and Bheem, Bheem seems to carry out all her wishes. I just hope I won't be the cause of Yudhisthir's heartbreak, I still can't figure out how he feels for her but he cares a lot for her. No one, not even their mother scolds him but I have seen Draupadi hitting him. Initially, my first thought was 'she should be hitting me, not him' but I wondered why he let her do anything she wants. Is it just guilt or something else?

"I am just going to ask the thing everyone is wondering but no one dares to ask." Nakul says, "Since Bhratashree Karna is the eldest, and matashree said Panchali should be the wife of all of us, does it mean.."

Arjun cuts him off, "Do you want Panchali to behead you?"

"Literally, no one was wondering that." Bheem says. Everyone is quite, I start getting nervous.

"I was." Duryodhaan breaks the silence. "Me too." Dusassan adds.

Everyone is looking at Yudhishtir now. I wonder if I should say something or just eat silently, the food is also becoming tastier.

"We have to discuss properly with matashree and Rishivar Vyas. But we have to talk to Panchali first and ask her what she wants. If it's necessary and both Panchali and bhratashree agrees we can just have a small namesake ceremony." Yudhisthir says.
I have grown quite empathetic towards Yudhisthir, I hope he doesn't have the same feelings for Draupadi as I. I don't plan on backing down this time. Not for anyone.

Sensing the tension in the room, Duryodhaan speaks, "So, how was the place you guys went?"

"It was beautiful, the perfect spot to rest. Right bhratashree?" Nakul turns to me and praises the place, describing the details.

I didn't see the scenery much, I was busy looking at someone. Someone who puts the word 'beauty' to shame. So I just nod along.


Yudhisthir insisted that I go on a palanquin but I somehow convinced him and shared a chariot with Karenumati. Karna and Nakul rode on their horses. The plan was to go very lightly but my overprotective husband sent 10 guards with us. They also wanted to come with us but there are other things to take care of in the palace. "I will clear up the schedule and take you again." Yushisthir said.

I asked the guards to stay back and rest, surprisingly Nakul didn't say "Bhratashree will be angry when he gets to know." He just picked up his sword. Karna also gets his bow and arrows. The hill was small but steep. Nakul struggles to pull both me and Karenumati, taking that chance my hands often reach out to Karna who pulls me up without any struggle. He doesn't talk much, Nakul talks a lot.
It will be wrong to say this out loud but I feel happy seeing Nakul and Karenumati happy and just lost in their own world. Not only because we are just husband-wife for namesake, but I too know today the feeling of spending time with a love one. Leaving the worries, the tension and complicated life of palace. We are walking in the forest, home of different kinds of flowers, and even prettier tall grasses, big, tall tress. We got tired and rest for a while under the tree, even then Karna doesn't sit down. He stand alert, looking at the surrounding.
"This is the cool part about having big brother, I can rest. When we were young, bhrata Bheem used to carry me around on his shoulder." Nakul smiles.

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