Who Captured Drupad?

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I am still hungover from yesterday. The brothers passed out and I drank alone till finish. The celebration starts with family member of the Kuru Vansh and few close friends. Mama Shree Sakuni already started gossiping. I stand in a corner, not entering properly. Duryodhaan comes to me rubbing his head, "How are you opening your eyes?"

"With the hope that this ends soon." I reply.
"Ends soon my foot, its their preciour Yudhistir, they will do something big." He says annoyedly.

"He is still older than you mitra, don't talk like mama shree. You already committed a sin by trying to kill them. There must be moments where you had fun together." I don't know why I am standing up for them when I don't even want to look at them. They took her away from me. But I don't want her to worry about anything Duryodhaan hating on her husbands.
He replies, "Well I guess you are right. He is not a bad big brother, in fact I don't hate him."
I guess Surya Dev is right, maybe Duryodhaan can still follow Dhaarma.
We continue to chat away and Duryodhaan tells me about his childhood and other things, I get distracted.

In the sound of many paayal, one pair rings in my ear. I don't quiet understand what is but everyone can notice her presence with her fragrance. She walk with Yuvraj Yudhistir, and Rajmata Kunti. Bheem, Arjun, Sahdev and Nakul follows. They all look very happy. They seem to pamper her a lot. Why wouldn't they? She walks tugging in her hair. Her arms filled with thick gold bangles. Her lahenga touching the floor, like the day I saw her in front of Shiva Mandir. I tighten my fist bothered to she her in a queens attire, a constant reminder that she almost was mine and wonder if none of the brother feels jealous seeing her as Yudhistir's queen. I did hear Arjun got angry.

"Why are they coming towards us?" Duryodhaan says as Rajmata Kunti comes close, Draupadi slowly following her.

We fold our hands in front of the widowed queen and touch her feet. "Pranipat Chhoti Maa." Duryodhaan says. "Always be happy my child." she blesses him.
"Pranipat Rajmata Kunti." I speak. She doesn't respond for a moment, must have forgotten my name since they have a lot of sons. "I am Radheya. Radheya Karna" I clarify.

"I know. I know who you are Putra Karna." She looks at me with a motherly smile. "Always be happy my child. May god protect your health."

Duryodhaan must have gotten nostalgic because of the alcohol and my speech earlier, he starts telling Draupadi stories about their childhood. He tells how we went to attack Panchal. I don't like this story because I failed to capture Maharaj Drupad and Arjun captured him.
Duryodhaan laughs saying, "And you know Bhabhishree, after we failed, the great and everyone's favorite archer finally ties up Maharaj Drupad and brought him to Guru Dron."
Well this a new side of Duryodhaan.

Draupadi looks at me with disbelief. "You tied up my father?" Her tone sharp.
I shake my head and wave both my hands in denial. "Not me." I said.

"I mean Arjun, bhabhishree." Duryodhaan says. He quickly turns to Rajmata Kunti and adds, "You almost lost Bhabhishree to Radha maa." Does he actually thinks this is helping? "I worried, I almost lost my friend Maharathi Karna to a heartbreak but he bounced back fast." Well, he's drunk.

Not knowing what to do, I just bite my inner checks in silence. "Even if Karna married her, Draupadi will still be like my daughter. She will still be my daughter-in-law." Rajmata Kunti smiles and says. She surely is the most gentle. "Well, putra Duryodhaan. Shouldn't you guys get ready? Everyone is getting ready to go hunting as family. Tatshree Bhisma is also going along."

Duryodhaan thinks a bit, "I don't know chhoti maa."

"No, no. You guys should most definitely go. You don't know when all of you can go together like this again." She orders.

"I guess I should." He looks at me, "You should also come Karna."

"Forgive me mitra, but it's a family outing. And I want to rest too." I don't really feel welcome by many here, I just come for Duryodhaan.

"It won't be long. They will leave in the evening and comeback as late as tomorrow night. You should join Karna." Rajmata Kunti assures.

I couldn't tell her that I am still angry at here 3rd son so I just say, "I had too much to drink to go hunting." She must know I am lying, everyone drinks while hunting.

Maharaj Pandu's sons comes up to Draupadi who's been silent since the Drupad stories. Yudhistir tells her, "Panchali, stay with Maa tonight. We will all be out. Nothing to fear, some of our cousins will stay back and the palace guards will also be there."

"Don't worry Bhrata Yudhistir, Anga Raj Karna is also staying back." My ever supporting friend Duryodhaan announce unnecessarily.

I walked out silent as Arjun say, "Take a lot of rest Panchali. We have a long journey to Khandaprast soon."

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