Time to Own Up

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I walk towards my mother-in-law'S chamber, she wanted to talk about the Rajasuya of Yuvraj Yudhistir. Its still hard for me to call one of them Arya Putra in front of the other brothers.
As I enter, I see my friend talking with my mother-in-law. 

"Govind!" I called out.

Vassudev looks at me and smiles. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask  and greets my mother-in-law.

"Areh your  mother-in-law is my Kunti bua. I came here to seek her blessing." Krishna says.
Mata Kunti wipes her tears, still crying. 

"What happen?" I rush to her.

"Remember Bua, the longer longer your fear for reputation wins your motherhood, the price you will pay is in mourning. The sooner you own up, the better." Krishna stands up and says. "Okay I will go meet my brothers." 

I just sit silently unable to ask why he said that. Mata Kunti touch my face and says, "Putri, it seems because of me, you had to marry my 5 sons, and in doing so, I have hurt my one son a lot." 

I guess she is taking about Arjun because he is the one who won me. 
I just sit there unable to tell her why I actually came.


Mama Sakunee pace up and down as I sit with Duryodhaan and Dusassan. 
I met Arjun and his brothers as they welcome me for coming to Yuvraj Yudhistir's Rajasuya. He acts as if we almost didn't kill each other that day. He irks me. 

"Mama Shree, you are ruining the mood. Its a happy day, Pandavs are finally going away and we have a big celebration coming up." Duryodhaan says, annoyed.
"I am telling you my child. My dream was very triggering." Mama Sakunee says. "And don't tell me you are going to let them take Khandaprast just like that."

"Mama Shree why should we worried that. The only beautiful thing in Khandaprast will be Bhabhishree Draupadi." laughs, Dusassan. 

"She would have bloomed better in Anga." Duryodhaan says.

"Why dwell on past Mitra?" I reply with a smile but my mind says, "I wanted her in Anga."

"Why not have a little pre-celebration tonight?" Duryodhaan says. "Without Mama Shree."


In the evening I walk with Malini in the corridor, exploring the palace. "You should get a painting done here. And here, And here also." She says pointing at every corner. But she is right, this part of the palace seems empty with few guards. It doesn't look like a private chamber also. This looks abandoned. 

"You will look so beautiful running this palace!" she exclaims .
"No Malini, this is not my palace, this is just my in-laws. Mine will be built soon I hope." I remind her.
"But still, this is also yours." I didn't bother explaining again and just laughs.

I see a dim of light in one of the room. Malini, "I don't want to go inside, let's leave Maharani!"

"I want to see who it is, it looks like they don't want others to know they are here." I said softly. 
"You know Rajkumari are not allowed to just roam in others' palace." Malini says and looks around. 

"You just said this is my palace too. and I am not a Rajkumari here, I am the oldest grandson's Maharani. Don't come in if you are scared."

She scoff but follows. I follow the light and enter the chamber that looks abandoned. Not painted either. When I find the light, I widen my eyes. 

Karna, Duryodhaan and Dusassan drinking in a room, only few candles, no chair, siting on a rug with pillows. Smoking tobacco. 

Duryodhaan and Dusassan stand up in surprise and Duryodhan asks, "Pranam Bhabhishree! How did you reach here?"

"I just wondered why no one is here--" I answer trying not to look at him but fails. He put out his tobacco and turns away. 

"Well, I had this  chamber made for my friend Anga Raj Karna, I wanted him to know this is his palace too. But Pitamaha Bishma said I am not the Yuvraj and had to stop the construction. So we started hanging out here since no one comes here. Now that I am Yuvraj  I will finish the construction soon. Hope you won't feel uncomfortable seeing Anga Raj every time you visit your in-laws." a pinch of taunting and sarcasm in Duryodhaan's tone.

"Why would I be uncomfortable with Anga Raj Karna being here?" I question him, hoping he doesn't know my secret.

"You must go back soon. Its almost dark." A calm but angry voice. Karna adds, "Dusassan, drop off your bhabhi to her chamber."

"What if I runs into someone? Like Pitamah"? Dusassan says with struggle.

"Why don't you walk me Anga Raj?" I don't know why I just said that. 

"So that your husband can pick up his bow again? I don't wish to create commotion in a family that's celebrating." He says in a mocking tone, finally looking at me, his eyes red from the alcohol, or maybe because of me.


Dusassan passed out as soon as Draupadi left. 
Duryodhaan ask in a concerning voice, "Vasusen, mitra you are over her right?  You don't have to stay for the Rajasuya, it will be hard for you to see her with them if you still have feeling for her."

I assure him, "Of course, I am over her. And I don't care about who she comes out with. And as a King under Hastinapur, I should attend the rajasuya for Yuvraj Yudhistir. After this they will go away and we don't have to see them." But I have a feeling that I should tell Duryodhaan how I actually feel about her. Well, if he ask again I will tell him.


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