chapter 5

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I was sad, but at least I have cookies to eat while moping. Best cookies in town to be specific.

I let out a sigh as I rewatch Gravity Falls Season 1 for the 5th time now. It was just 10 pm, but I was already regretting that I didn't go with my friends for the sleep over. It was so boring here, especially since my parents left me so that they can go out for a date night.

Everybody has plans to entertain themselves, and yet here I am sulking when it was clearly my fault for having an uneventful night.

My friends have flooded my messenger with their concerns and get well soon messages, but I still don't have the strength to answer it. I know I'm acting so childish and dramatic, but I guess I can just use my period as an excuse for all these nonsense, right?

As I was on the 4th episode of Gravity Falls, I was shocked when my phone vibrated, but this time, I decided to check who texted me. Maybe it was Rina. She hasn't stopped texting me since earlier, asking if I'm fine, or if I already ate, and even updating me of the things they were doing.

I feel guilty, so I'll try to text back now. Rina is new in this place, so it's only a must for me to help her feel welcomed. So what if Anton likes Rina? Rina is my best friend, so I must focus on her instead of these stupid feelings.

But, to my surprise, it wasn't Rina's message that popped up, it was Anton's.

Anton: still haven't changed ur mind, yuyu?

I wanted to scream.

This was supposed to be easy. But it's hard when I'm reminded of who I 'm trying to move on from. It was easy with Jihan, but not with this guy. How can someone even ever move on from Lee Anton? It might take me a lifetime to accept that he'll never look in my way.

Yumi: will you really come and get me if i ask you to?

Anton: ofc! yk i mean everything i say, right? lol eunseok hyung's the talkshit one. pls don't tell him that.

I couldn't help but laugh at his reply. He really loves to talk shit behind Eunseok's back.

Yumi: i changed my mind, can you come get me?

Anton: with pleasure, yuyu. :)

I wanted to hit myself. Why do I have to tell him that I changed my mind? Why do I think that something might change despite knowing he's just a kind guy who'd do this for anybody? Why do I freaking love to hurt myself by hoping?

Sungchan might actually be the superior sibling. And I might just be the stupid one. Because, if it was him, he'd never be this desperate. Oh well, he's popular, it'll always be the other way around. But, not for me.

I have to try everything I can in order for the person I like to notice me even for a tiny bit. That's how invisible I am.

I texted my parents that I'll be going to Rina's house as well, and after sending them the message, Anton was already honking. I locked the front door and the gate, before waving at him.

I went inside the car, and I was greeted by his scent. Dior Sauvage Eau de Parfum. That's Anton alright. It was his signature scent.

"Seatbelt on, yuyu?" he asked as soon as I got in, so I gave him a thumbs up.

"What made you change your mind?" Anton asked, as he was driving through the dark street.

Think faster, Jung Yumi! Don't daydream while he's talking to you!

"I got kinda bored just watching gravity falls," I answered honestly, but regretted it immediately. Do I really have to say that I was watching gravity falls? Seriously, Yumi?

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