chapter 20

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It feels like my heart's about to jump out of my chest because of how close Anton's face was to mine, so I had no choice but to close my eyes in hopes of calming myself down.

Then something soft made contact with my forehead for a few seconds.

Anton just kissed me in the forehead.

Anton. . . kissed my freaking forehead! I feel like I'm going crazy right now because of what just happened.

"Let's sleep some more, yuyu." Anton's soft voice was heard, and I almost let out a yelp when I realized that he whispered those words to my ear. He is too damn close. His breath was so warm that it sent chills down my spine when it made contact to my skin.

"Anton. . ." I whispered after opening my eyes again. I saw him smiling sweetly, before he started to caress my cheek. His touch made me feel all tingly inside because of how warm his hand was. Am I dreaming right now? But, it feels so real. And Anton is so warm, his hand is warm and soft. If this is a dream, then please make it longer. I don't care anymore if I'm being too desperate.

"I don't wanna sleep yet. Can't you stay longer? Even in my dream?" I couldn't help but ask, and I was confused when he let out a chuckle before cupping my cheeks in his huge hands, but he didn't say anything and just continued to stare at me lovingly. This simple interaction just made my heart beat faster than the usual. That's how much Anton's effect on me is.

I knew it. This is a dream. There's no way that Anton would look at me like this. There was a slight ache in my chest, and I wanted to cry because I feel so pathetic and desperate. But, I can't just do nothing because it hurts me more whenever I see the guy I like is with someone else.

"Can't you like me instead? Hm, Anton? I can be pretty for you too, I'll try my hardest. I can be worthy of you too, please give me a chance. . ." My tears started pouring out as soon as I said those words. I've tried my hardest to keep them all to myself because I don't want Anton to feel weird or feel pressured. But, this is just a dream. I can say anything I want.

"I just like so much, Anton. It hurts." I whispered, almost out of breath because of my sobs. Anton used his thumb to wipe my tears away, but it only made me cry harder. He's so gentle with me, that I can't help but fall harder.

"Sleep, Yumi. I'm not worth your tears." Anton hugged me as he said those words, and I wanted to argue, but I was already too tired from crying. His warmth was making me so comfortable, his arms felt like home, and that alone made me fall asleep faster than I wanted to.

Anton was already gone the moment I woke up. And I was inside my room, not in the sofa where we both fell asleep. Was last night really a dream, then? But his lips pressing on to my forehead was so real. And I still smell like Anton's perfume because he was hugging me last night.

I shook my head, before deciding to go down. I gave Kissy her food first before preparing mine. It looks like I'll have to ride the train today since Anton's not here to pick me up. It's only been a few hours that we parted ways, but I already miss him. Is this even normal?

After getting ready, I immediately went out of the house so that I can reach the train station immediately. I don't want to late for my morning class today.

While walking towards the train station, I was stopped on my track when an old lady caught my eye. She was selling bouquet of flowers along the side of the road near the park. So, I went to her direction to buy a bouquet of flowers since one of them reminded me of someone.

"Thank you, young lady. Have a great day." I took the bouquet from the lady after paying. The old lady then waved her hand and I too waved back before giving her a smile. I bought a bouquet of daisies for no other than Anton. I just wanted to give him some flowers, since I am pursuing him after all. I hope he likes it. I never received this type of gifts, that's why I want to give Anton one to see what reaction he'll give.

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