chapter 22

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"I'm not stopping from pursuing you, Anton Lee!" I screamed, but Anton was long gone. I let out a sigh before deciding to just leave the music room too. But on my way out, I was shocked to see the person I don't even want to encounter this very moment. Why did I have to meet her in an empty hallway? It's giving me the chills.

"Bora," I whispered.

"Hello, Yumi." Bora waved her hand after she greeted me with that innocent smile of hers again. My friends were right, her hair is indeed dyed red. Bright fucking red, that you have no choice but to look at her whenever she's passing by.

No wonder Anton chose her.

Hwang Bora was just so fucking irresistible.

"I fucking hate that friend of yours. Now, I have red hair even though I didn't want to dye it." She told me, and gone was the nice girl act. She was finally showing her bitchiness.

"It's not her fault that you're a copycat." I defended Jiwoo, and I was right. She was copying me, so why does she make it look like someone's trying to make her all these things when it was just her who wants to do it?

"Why would I copy you? You're beneath me in all fucking aspect." Bora made sure to emphasize every word that came out of her mouth, but I acted as if I was not at all affected. So, what if I'm beneath her? I'm a hard worker, I can fucking surpass her if I try.

"Stop messing with my man, Jung Yumi. If you won't stop, you won't like the consequences." She warned once again, even coming closer to my side to poke my chest with her point finger harshly. I couldn't help but let out an empty chuckle. Her man? In her fucking dreams.

"He's not your man, Bora. Stop with your delusions. We're in college already, so stop acting like a high school student." I fought back, and I was even shocked at myself for being so brave. This was the first time I tried to argue back with someone this serious. Am I really that down bad for Anton for me to even be acting this fucking annoying and desperate?

"Not mine? But he was in my bed last night. So, suck it up and stay away from Anton Lee." Bora was smiling innocently again after saying those words at me after she noticed that there were already other students walking in the hallway. But, despite her smile, her tone still held a warning. But did that affect me? Of course not.

What a fucking actress.

Besides, Anton told me to be selfish of him after all.

"Is that all? That won't stop me, Hwang Bora. I already know what you're capable of, so don't make me reveal them. You're the one who needs to leave Anton alone." I argued back, before walking away. I don't care if she gets angry, all I care about is Anton's welfare. I can hear Bora screaming my name and telling me to come back, but I ignored her and just continued walking. What she's even gonna do? Tell her daddy that I'm being a bitch around her? Fuck her and her rich spoiled ass.

If he really loves Bora, then he wouldn't be playing the cello until his fingers bleed. He only does that when he's too stressed about his reality that he just locks himself up in his own music bubble to calm his self down.

I'm going to find out what happened yesterday, and make sure that Anton's alright.

* * *

"What did you do now?" Wonbin asked, clearly shocked after what I just shared.

"I said that I argued with Hwang Bora earlier." I told them again, but this time louder and clearer. Jiwoo's eyes widended, Dohee's mouth fell agape, while Rina just smirked like a proud mother. Meanwhile, Wonbin and his dramatic ass just slow clapped for me.

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