chapter 14

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We're loud. That's what we are when we're all together and just enjoying the moment without other people around. A One Direction song can be heard in the background and the others were singing along to it, while some of us are just relaxing throughout the afternoon.

It's been so long since the last time we all got together as a complete group without having other people around us, that I almost forgot how warm and simply amazing my friends' company really feels like, especially when we don't have any projects or any uni related stuff to do.

At the moment, the girls plus Wonbin were circling around me, while Sohee was busy drying my hair using a towel. We all just got out of the pool and now we're staying in one of Anton's guest rooms.

"So, did you 2 fuck?" Jiwoo asked eagerly, making me cover my face because of embarrassment. What makes her think we'd even do that? And in their pool? For goodness' sake!

"Jiwoo! What the fuck? They're kids!" Dohee told her off, making me groan out loud.

"For fuck's sake, Dohee. We're both 20!" I told her, but she just shrugged her shoulders.

"No, don't say our age out loud. I already feel too old," Dohee answered back.

"She's too shy to even kiss him, so I'm sure they didn't do it." Rina said and she even gave me an apologetic smile.

"Wait, did you see us earlier?" I asked, feeling a bit scared.

"Yeah, bitch! Be thankful that Jiwoo is fast enough to distract Sungchan before he can see his younger sister and his best friend almost kissing each other!" Dohee screamed at me, making me groan again but still feel a bit thankful that they did that for me.

I am busted. They finally know, and I don't think I have the energy to tell them everything that had happened from the start up until now.

"I already confessed to him. And he gave me the whole sem to pursue him, and if by the end of the sem we're still not in a relationship with each other, then I have to stop." I told them the shortest version of what has been going on between me and Anton.

They all squealed, even Wonbin and Sohee cheered after I finally revealed my secret. God, they're so noisy, what if the others hear them?

"I need you 2 together. You're going to make cute little babies for real." Dohee excitedly said, making me groan again. They're already thinking so far ahead! I'm not even sure if Anton will ever like me back.

"So? Does he like you back now?" Rina asked excitedly.

"I mean, they almost kissed earlier, of course he does!" Jiwoo commented as well.

"I always catch them together in campus, and I can say they do look like they have something goin on." Wonbin also commented, making me look at him completely shocked by his revelation.

Oh god. This is so fucking embarrassing. I never knew it would feel so weird to have your friends know your relationship status.

"Our baby's all grown up," Jiwoo said, fake crying before giving me a hug.

"I thought I was the baby?" Sohee asked, confused making me laugh at him.

"Yumi stares at Anton all the time, but there was this one time where I caught Anton who's the one looking at her instead." Sohee also commented while he was now combing my hair.

"OMG! When? Why did you only tell us now?" The girls asked exasperatedly, while Sohee just raised both his hands in defeat after the girls bombarded him with questions, making me want to just disappear. I'm thankful that they're so intrigued and supportive, but heck, this is so embarrassing for me.

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